

class pytorch3d.renderer.fisheyecameras.FishEyeCameras(focal_length=tensor([[1.]]), principal_point=tensor([[0., 0.]]), radial_params=tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]), tangential_params=tensor([[0., 0.]]), thin_prism_params=tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0.]]), R: Tensor = tensor([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]]), T: Tensor = tensor([[0., 0., 0.]]), world_coordinates: bool = False, use_radial: bool = True, use_tangential: bool = True, use_thin_prism: bool = True, device: str | device = 'cpu', image_size: List | Tuple | Tensor | None = None)[source]

Bases: CamerasBase

A class which extends Pinhole camera by considering radial, tangential and thin-prism distortion. For the fisheye camera model, k1, k2, …, k_n_radial are polynomial coefficents to model radial distortions. Two common types of radial distortions are barrel and pincusion radial distortions.

a = x / z, b = y / z, r = (a*a+b*b)^(1/2) th = atan(r) [x_r] = (th+ k0 * th^3 + k1* th^5 + …) [a/r] [y_r] [b/r] [1]

The tangential distortion parameters are p1 and p2. The primary cause is due to the lens assembly not being centered over and parallel to the image plane. tangentialDistortion = [(2 x_r^2 + rd^2)*p_0 + 2*x_r*y_r*p_1]

[(2 y_r^2 + rd^2)*p_1 + 2*x_r*y_r*p_0] [2]

where rd^2 = x_r^2 + y_r^2

The thin-prism distortion is modeled with s1, s2, s3, s4 coefficients thinPrismDistortion = [s0 * rd^2 + s1 rd^4]

[s2 * rd^2 + s3 rd^4] [3]

The projection proj = diag(f, f) * uvDistorted + [cu; cv] uvDistorted = [x_r] + tangentialDistortion + thinPrismDistortion [4]


f is the focal length and cu, cv are principal points in x, y axis.

__init__(focal_length=tensor([[1.]]), principal_point=tensor([[0., 0.]]), radial_params=tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]), tangential_params=tensor([[0., 0.]]), thin_prism_params=tensor([[0., 0., 0., 0.]]), R: Tensor = tensor([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]]), T: Tensor = tensor([[0., 0., 0.]]), world_coordinates: bool = False, use_radial: bool = True, use_tangential: bool = True, use_thin_prism: bool = True, device: str | device = 'cpu', image_size: List | Tuple | Tensor | None = None) None[source]
  • focal_ength – Focal length of the camera in world units. A tensor of shape (N, 1) for square pixels, where N is number of transforms.

  • principal_point – xy coordinates of the center of the principal point of the camera in pixels. A tensor of shape (N, 2).

  • radial_params – parameters for radial distortions. A tensor of shape (N, num_radial).

  • tangential_params – parameters for tangential distortions. A tensor of shape (N, 2).

  • thin_prism_params – parameters for thin-prism distortions. A tensor of shape (N, 4).

  • R – Rotation matrix of shape (N, 3, 3)

  • T – Translation matrix of shape (N, 3)

  • world_coordinates – if True, project from world coordinates; otherwise from camera coordinates

  • use_radial – radial_distortion, default to True

  • use_tangential – tangential distortion, default to True

  • use_thin_prism – thin prism distortion, default to True

  • device – torch.device or string

  • image_size – (height, width) of image size. A tensor of shape (N, 2) or a list/tuple. Required for screen cameras.

check_input(points: Tensor, batch_size: int)[source]

Check if the shapes are broadcastable between points and transforms. Accept points of shape (P, 3) or (1, P, 3) or (M, P, 3). The batch_size for transforms should be 1 when points take (M, P, 3). The batch_size can be 1 or N when points take shape (P, 3).

  • points – tensor of shape (P, 3) or (1, P, 3) or (M, P, 3)

  • batch_size – number of transforms


Boolean value if the input shapes are compatible.

transform_points(points, eps: float | None = None, **kwargs) Tensor[source]

Transform input points from camera space to image space. :param points: tensor of (…, 3). E.g., (P, 3) or (1, P, 3), (M, P, 3) :param eps: tiny number to avoid zero divsion


torch.Tensor when points take shape (P, 3) or (1, P, 3), output is (N, P, 3) when points take shape (M, P, 3), output is (M, P, 3) where N is the number of transforms, P number of points

unproject_points(xy_depth: Tensor, world_coordinates: bool = True, scaled_depth_input: bool = False, **kwargs) Tensor[source]

Takes in 3-point uv_depth in the image plane of the camera and unprojects it into the reference frame of the camera. This function is the inverse of transform_points. In particular it holds that

X = unproject(project(X))


x = project(unproject(s*x))

  • xy_depth – points in the image plane of shape (…, 3). E.g., (P, 3) or (1, P, 3) or (M, P, 3)

  • world_coordinates – if the output is in world_coordinate, if False, convert to

  • coordinate (camera) –

  • scaled_depth_input – False


unprojected_points in the camera frame with z = 1 when points take shape (P, 3) or (1, P, 3), output is (N, P, 3) when points take shape (M, P, 3), output is (M, P, 3) where N is the number of transforms, P number of point
