Source code for pytorch3d.ops.laplacian_matrices

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from typing import Tuple

import torch

# ------------------------ Laplacian Matrices ------------------------ #
# This file contains implementations of differentiable laplacian matrices.
# These include
# 1) Standard Laplacian matrix
# 2) Cotangent Laplacian matrix
# 3) Norm Laplacian matrix
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #

[docs]def laplacian(verts: torch.Tensor, edges: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the laplacian matrix. The definition of the laplacian is L[i, j] = -1 , if i == j L[i, j] = 1 / deg(i) , if (i, j) is an edge L[i, j] = 0 , otherwise where deg(i) is the degree of the i-th vertex in the graph. Args: verts: tensor of shape (V, 3) containing the vertices of the graph edges: tensor of shape (E, 2) containing the vertex indices of each edge Returns: L: Sparse FloatTensor of shape (V, V) """ V = verts.shape[0] e0, e1 = edges.unbind(1) idx01 = torch.stack([e0, e1], dim=1) # (E, 2) idx10 = torch.stack([e1, e0], dim=1) # (E, 2) idx =[idx01, idx10], dim=0).t() # (2, 2*E) # First, we construct the adjacency matrix, # i.e. A[i, j] = 1 if (i,j) is an edge, or # A[e0, e1] = 1 & A[e1, e0] = 1 ones = torch.ones(idx.shape[1], dtype=torch.float32, device=verts.device) A = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(idx, ones, (V, V)) # the sum of i-th row of A gives the degree of the i-th vertex deg = torch.sparse.sum(A, dim=1).to_dense() # We construct the Laplacian matrix by adding the non diagonal values # i.e. L[i, j] = 1 ./ deg(i) if (i, j) is an edge deg0 = deg[e0] deg0 = torch.where(deg0 > 0.0, 1.0 / deg0, deg0) deg1 = deg[e1] deg1 = torch.where(deg1 > 0.0, 1.0 / deg1, deg1) val =[deg0, deg1]) L = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(idx, val, (V, V)) # Then we add the diagonal values L[i, i] = -1. idx = torch.arange(V, device=verts.device) idx = torch.stack([idx, idx], dim=0) ones = torch.ones(idx.shape[1], dtype=torch.float32, device=verts.device) L -= torch.sparse.FloatTensor(idx, ones, (V, V)) return L
[docs]def cot_laplacian( verts: torch.Tensor, faces: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-12 ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Returns the Laplacian matrix with cotangent weights and the inverse of the face areas. Args: verts: tensor of shape (V, 3) containing the vertices of the graph faces: tensor of shape (F, 3) containing the vertex indices of each face Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **L**: Sparse FloatTensor of shape (V,V) for the Laplacian matrix. Here, L[i, j] = cot a_ij + cot b_ij iff (i, j) is an edge in meshes. See the description above for more clarity. - **inv_areas**: FloatTensor of shape (V,) containing the inverse of sum of face areas containing each vertex """ V, F = verts.shape[0], faces.shape[0] face_verts = verts[faces] v0, v1, v2 = face_verts[:, 0], face_verts[:, 1], face_verts[:, 2] # Side lengths of each triangle, of shape (sum(F_n),) # A is the side opposite v1, B is opposite v2, and C is opposite v3 A = (v1 - v2).norm(dim=1) B = (v0 - v2).norm(dim=1) C = (v0 - v1).norm(dim=1) # Area of each triangle (with Heron's formula); shape is (sum(F_n),) s = 0.5 * (A + B + C) # note that the area can be negative (close to 0) causing nans after sqrt() # we clip it to a small positive value # pyre-fixme[16]: `float` has no attribute `clamp_`. area = (s * (s - A) * (s - B) * (s - C)).clamp_(min=eps).sqrt() # Compute cotangents of angles, of shape (sum(F_n), 3) A2, B2, C2 = A * A, B * B, C * C cota = (B2 + C2 - A2) / area cotb = (A2 + C2 - B2) / area cotc = (A2 + B2 - C2) / area cot = torch.stack([cota, cotb, cotc], dim=1) cot /= 4.0 # Construct a sparse matrix by basically doing: # L[v1, v2] = cota # L[v2, v0] = cotb # L[v0, v1] = cotc ii = faces[:, [1, 2, 0]] jj = faces[:, [2, 0, 1]] idx = torch.stack([ii, jj], dim=0).view(2, F * 3) L = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(idx, cot.view(-1), (V, V)) # Make it symmetric; this means we are also setting # L[v2, v1] = cota # L[v0, v2] = cotb # L[v1, v0] = cotc L += L.t() # For each vertex, compute the sum of areas for triangles containing it. idx = faces.view(-1) inv_areas = torch.zeros(V, dtype=torch.float32, device=verts.device) val = torch.stack([area] * 3, dim=1).view(-1) inv_areas.scatter_add_(0, idx, val) idx = inv_areas > 0 inv_areas[idx] = 1.0 / inv_areas[idx] inv_areas = inv_areas.view(-1, 1) return L, inv_areas
[docs]def norm_laplacian( verts: torch.Tensor, edges: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-12 ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Norm laplacian computes a variant of the laplacian matrix which weights each affinity with the normalized distance of the neighboring nodes. More concretely, L[i, j] = 1. / wij where wij = ||vi - vj|| if (vi, vj) are neighboring nodes Args: verts: tensor of shape (V, 3) containing the vertices of the graph edges: tensor of shape (E, 2) containing the vertex indices of each edge Returns: L: Sparse FloatTensor of shape (V, V) """ edge_verts = verts[edges] # (E, 2, 3) v0, v1 = edge_verts[:, 0], edge_verts[:, 1] # Side lengths of each edge, of shape (E,) w01 = 1.0 / ((v0 - v1).norm(dim=1) + eps) # Construct a sparse matrix by basically doing: # L[v0, v1] = w01 # L[v1, v0] = w01 e01 = edges.t() # (2, E) V = verts.shape[0] L = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(e01, w01, (V, V)) L = L + L.t() return L