Source code for pytorch3d.structures.utils

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# pyre-unsafe

from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch

Util functions for points/verts/faces/volumes.

[docs] def list_to_padded( x: Union[List[torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor]], pad_size: Union[Sequence[int], None] = None, pad_value: float = 0.0, equisized: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Transforms a list of N tensors each of shape (Si_0, Si_1, ... Si_D) into: - a single tensor of shape (N, pad_size(0), pad_size(1), ..., pad_size(D)) if pad_size is provided - or a tensor of shape (N, max(Si_0), max(Si_1), ..., max(Si_D)) if pad_size is None. Args: x: list of Tensors pad_size: list(int) specifying the size of the padded tensor. If `None` (default), the largest size of each dimension is set as the `pad_size`. pad_value: float value to be used to fill the padded tensor equisized: bool indicating whether the items in x are of equal size (sometimes this is known and if provided saves computation) Returns: x_padded: tensor consisting of padded input tensors stored over the newly allocated memory. """ if equisized: return torch.stack(x, 0) if not all(torch.is_tensor(y) for y in x): raise ValueError("All items have to be instances of a torch.Tensor.") # we set the common number of dimensions to the maximum # of the dimensionalities of the tensors in the list element_ndim = max(y.ndim for y in x) # replace empty 1D tensors with empty tensors with a correct number of dimensions x = [ (y.new_zeros([0] * element_ndim) if (y.ndim == 1 and y.nelement() == 0) else y) for y in x ] if any(y.ndim != x[0].ndim for y in x): raise ValueError("All items have to have the same number of dimensions!") if pad_size is None: pad_dims = [ max(y.shape[dim] for y in x if len(y) > 0) for dim in range(x[0].ndim) ] else: if any(len(pad_size) != y.ndim for y in x): raise ValueError("Pad size must contain target size for all dimensions.") pad_dims = pad_size N = len(x) x_padded = x[0].new_full((N, *pad_dims), pad_value) for i, y in enumerate(x): if len(y) > 0: slices = (i, *(slice(0, y.shape[dim]) for dim in range(y.ndim))) x_padded[slices] = y return x_padded
[docs] def padded_to_list( x: torch.Tensor, split_size: Union[Sequence[int], Sequence[Sequence[int]], None] = None, ): r""" Transforms a padded tensor of shape (N, S_1, S_2, ..., S_D) into a list of N tensors of shape: - (Si_1, Si_2, ..., Si_D) where (Si_1, Si_2, ..., Si_D) is specified in split_size(i) - or (S_1, S_2, ..., S_D) if split_size is None - or (Si_1, S_2, ..., S_D) if split_size(i) is an integer. Args: x: tensor split_size: optional 1D or 2D list/tuple of ints defining the number of items for each tensor. Returns: x_list: a list of tensors sharing the memory with the input. """ x_list = list(x.unbind(0)) if split_size is None: return x_list N = len(split_size) if x.shape[0] != N: raise ValueError("Split size must be of same length as inputs first dimension") for i in range(N): if isinstance(split_size[i], int): x_list[i] = x_list[i][: split_size[i]] else: slices = tuple(slice(0, s) for s in split_size[i]) # pyre-ignore x_list[i] = x_list[i][slices] return x_list
[docs] def list_to_packed(x: List[torch.Tensor]): r""" Transforms a list of N tensors each of shape (Mi, K, ...) into a single tensor of shape (sum(Mi), K, ...). Args: x: list of tensors. Returns: 4-element tuple containing - **x_packed**: tensor consisting of packed input tensors along the 1st dimension. - **num_items**: tensor of shape N containing Mi for each element in x. - **item_packed_first_idx**: tensor of shape N indicating the index of the first item belonging to the same element in the original list. - **item_packed_to_list_idx**: tensor of shape sum(Mi) containing the index of the element in the list the item belongs to. """ if not x: raise ValueError("Input list is empty") device = x[0].device sizes = [xi.shape[0] for xi in x] sizes_total = sum(sizes) num_items = torch.tensor(sizes, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) item_packed_first_idx = torch.zeros_like(num_items) item_packed_first_idx[1:] = torch.cumsum(num_items[:-1], dim=0) item_packed_to_list_idx = torch.arange( sizes_total, dtype=torch.int64, device=device ) item_packed_to_list_idx = ( torch.bucketize(item_packed_to_list_idx, item_packed_first_idx, right=True) - 1 ) x_packed =, dim=0) return x_packed, num_items, item_packed_first_idx, item_packed_to_list_idx
[docs] def packed_to_list(x: torch.Tensor, split_size: Union[list, int]): r""" Transforms a tensor of shape (sum(Mi), K, L, ...) to N set of tensors of shape (Mi, K, L, ...) where Mi's are defined in split_size Args: x: tensor split_size: list, tuple or int defining the number of items for each tensor in the output list. Returns: x_list: A list of Tensors """ return x.split(split_size, dim=0)
def padded_to_packed( x: torch.Tensor, split_size: Union[list, tuple, None] = None, pad_value: Union[float, int, None] = None, ): r""" Transforms a padded tensor of shape (N, M, K) into a packed tensor of shape: - (sum(Mi), K) where (Mi, K) are the dimensions of each of the tensors in the batch and Mi is specified by split_size(i) - (N*M, K) if split_size is None Support only for 3-dimensional input tensor and 1-dimensional split size. Args: x: tensor split_size: list, tuple or int defining the number of items for each tensor in the output list. pad_value: optional value to use to filter the padded values in the input tensor. Only one of split_size or pad_value should be provided, or both can be None. Returns: x_packed: a packed tensor. """ if x.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Supports only 3-dimensional input tensors") N, M, D = x.shape if split_size is not None and pad_value is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of split_size or pad_value should be provided.") x_packed = x.reshape(-1, D) # flatten padded if pad_value is None and split_size is None: return x_packed # Convert to packed using pad value if pad_value is not None: mask = x_packed = x_packed[mask] return x_packed # Convert to packed using split sizes # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Sized` for 1st param but got `Union[None, # List[typing.Any], typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]]`. N = len(split_size) if x.shape[0] != N: raise ValueError("Split size must be of same length as inputs first dimension") # pyre-fixme[16]: `None` has no attribute `__iter__`. if not all(isinstance(i, int) for i in split_size): raise ValueError( "Support only 1-dimensional unbinded tensor. \ Split size for more dimensions provided" ) padded_to_packed_idx = [ torch.arange(v, dtype=torch.int64, device=x.device) + i * M # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Iterable[Variable[_T]]` for 1st param but got # `Union[None, List[typing.Any], typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]]`. for (i, v) in enumerate(split_size) ], dim=0, ) return x_packed[padded_to_packed_idx]