Source code for pytorch3d.structures.pointclouds

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from ..common.datatypes import Device, make_device
from . import utils as struct_utils

[docs] class Pointclouds: """ This class provides functions for working with batches of 3d point clouds, and converting between representations. Within Pointclouds, there are three different representations of the data. List - only used for input as a starting point to convert to other representations. Padded - has specific batch dimension. Packed - no batch dimension. - has auxiliary variables used to index into the padded representation. Example Input list of points = [[P_1], [P_2], ... , [P_N]] where P_1, ... , P_N are the number of points in each cloud and N is the number of clouds. # SPHINX IGNORE List | Padded | Packed ---------------------------|-------------------------|------------------------ [[P_1], ... , [P_N]] | size = (N, max(P_n), 3) | size = (sum(P_n), 3) | | Example for locations | | or colors: | | | | P_1 = 3, P_2 = 4, P_3 = 5 | size = (3, 5, 3) | size = (12, 3) | | List([ | tensor([ | tensor([ [ | [ | [0.1, 0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.3, 0.5], | [0.1, 0.3, 0.5], | [0.5, 0.2, 0.1], [0.5, 0.2, 0.1], | [0.5, 0.2, 0.1], | [0.6, 0.8, 0.7], [0.6, 0.8, 0.7] | [0.6, 0.8, 0.7], | [0.1, 0.3, 0.3], ], | [0, 0, 0], | [0.6, 0.7, 0.8], [ | [0, 0, 0] | [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.1, 0.3, 0.3], | ], | [0.1, 0.5, 0.3], [0.6, 0.7, 0.8], | [ | [0.7, 0.3, 0.6], [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], | [0.1, 0.3, 0.3], | [0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.1, 0.5, 0.3] | [0.6, 0.7, 0.8], | [0.9, 0.5, 0.2], ], | [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], | [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [ | [0.1, 0.5, 0.3], | [0.9, 0.3, 0.8], [0.7, 0.3, 0.6], | [0, 0, 0] | ]) [0.2, 0.4, 0.8], | ], | [0.9, 0.5, 0.2], | [ | [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], | [0.7, 0.3, 0.6], | [0.9, 0.3, 0.8], | [0.2, 0.4, 0.8], | ] | [0.9, 0.5, 0.2], | ]) | [0.2, 0.3, 0.4], | | [0.9, 0.3, 0.8] | | ] | | ]) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auxiliary variables for packed representation Name | Size | Example from above -------------------------------|---------------------|----------------------- | | packed_to_cloud_idx | size = (sum(P_n)) | tensor([ | | 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, | | 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 | | )] | | size = (12) | | cloud_to_packed_first_idx | size = (N) | tensor([0, 3, 7]) | | size = (3) | | num_points_per_cloud | size = (N) | tensor([3, 4, 5]) | | size = (3) | | padded_to_packed_idx | size = (sum(P_n)) | tensor([ | | 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, | | 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, | | 14 | | )] | | size = (12) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SPHINX IGNORE """ _INTERNAL_TENSORS = [ "_points_packed", "_points_padded", "_normals_packed", "_normals_padded", "_features_packed", "_features_padded", "_packed_to_cloud_idx", "_cloud_to_packed_first_idx", "_num_points_per_cloud", "_padded_to_packed_idx", "valid", "equisized", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, points, normals=None, features=None) -> None: """ Args: points: Can be either - List where each element is a tensor of shape (num_points, 3) containing the (x, y, z) coordinates of each point. - Padded float tensor with shape (num_clouds, num_points, 3). normals: Can be either - None - List where each element is a tensor of shape (num_points, 3) containing the normal vector for each point. - Padded float tensor of shape (num_clouds, num_points, 3). features: Can be either - None - List where each element is a tensor of shape (num_points, C) containing the features for the points in the cloud. - Padded float tensor of shape (num_clouds, num_points, C). where C is the number of channels in the features. For example 3 for RGB color. Refer to comments above for descriptions of List and Padded representations. """ self.device = torch.device("cpu") # Indicates whether the clouds in the list/batch have the same number # of points. self.equisized = False # Boolean indicator for each cloud in the batch. # True if cloud has non zero number of points, False otherwise. self.valid = None self._N = 0 # batch size (number of clouds) self._P = 0 # (max) number of points per cloud self._C = None # number of channels in the features # List of Tensors of points and features. self._points_list = None self._normals_list = None self._features_list = None # Number of points per cloud. self._num_points_per_cloud = None # N # Packed representation. self._points_packed = None # (sum(P_n), 3) self._normals_packed = None # (sum(P_n), 3) self._features_packed = None # (sum(P_n), C) self._packed_to_cloud_idx = None # sum(P_n) # Index of each cloud's first point in the packed points. # Assumes packing is sequential. self._cloud_to_packed_first_idx = None # N # Padded representation. self._points_padded = None # (N, max(P_n), 3) self._normals_padded = None # (N, max(P_n), 3) self._features_padded = None # (N, max(P_n), C) # Index to convert points from flattened padded to packed. self._padded_to_packed_idx = None # N * max_P # Identify type of points. if isinstance(points, list): self._points_list = points self._N = len(self._points_list) self.valid = torch.zeros((self._N,), dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device) if self._N > 0: self.device = self._points_list[0].device for p in self._points_list: if len(p) > 0 and (p.dim() != 2 or p.shape[1] != 3): raise ValueError("Clouds in list must be of shape Px3 or empty") if p.device != self.device: raise ValueError("All points must be on the same device") num_points_per_cloud = torch.tensor( [len(p) for p in self._points_list], device=self.device ) self._P = int(num_points_per_cloud.max()) self.valid = torch.tensor( [len(p) > 0 for p in self._points_list], dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device, ) if len(num_points_per_cloud.unique()) == 1: self.equisized = True self._num_points_per_cloud = num_points_per_cloud else: self._num_points_per_cloud = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.int64) elif torch.is_tensor(points): if points.dim() != 3 or points.shape[2] != 3: raise ValueError("Points tensor has incorrect dimensions.") self._points_padded = points self._N = self._points_padded.shape[0] self._P = self._points_padded.shape[1] self.device = self._points_padded.device self.valid = torch.ones((self._N,), dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device) self._num_points_per_cloud = torch.tensor( [self._P] * self._N, device=self.device ) self.equisized = True else: raise ValueError( "Points must be either a list or a tensor with \ shape (batch_size, P, 3) where P is the maximum number of \ points in a cloud." ) # parse normals normals_parsed = self._parse_auxiliary_input(normals) self._normals_list, self._normals_padded, normals_C = normals_parsed if normals_C is not None and normals_C != 3: raise ValueError("Normals are expected to be 3-dimensional") # parse features features_parsed = self._parse_auxiliary_input(features) self._features_list, self._features_padded, features_C = features_parsed if features_C is not None: self._C = features_C
def _parse_auxiliary_input( self, aux_input ) -> Tuple[Optional[List[torch.Tensor]], Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[int]]: """ Interpret the auxiliary inputs (normals, features) given to __init__. Args: aux_input: Can be either - List where each element is a tensor of shape (num_points, C) containing the features for the points in the cloud. - Padded float tensor of shape (num_clouds, num_points, C). For normals, C = 3 Returns: 3-element tuple of list, padded, num_channels. If aux_input is list, then padded is None. If aux_input is a tensor, then list is None. """ if aux_input is None or self._N == 0: return None, None, None aux_input_C = None if isinstance(aux_input, list): return self._parse_auxiliary_input_list(aux_input) if torch.is_tensor(aux_input): if aux_input.dim() != 3: raise ValueError("Auxiliary input tensor has incorrect dimensions.") if self._N != aux_input.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Points and inputs must be the same length.") if self._P != aux_input.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Inputs tensor must have the right maximum \ number of points in each cloud." ) if aux_input.device != self.device: raise ValueError( "All auxiliary inputs must be on the same device as the points." ) aux_input_C = aux_input.shape[2] return None, aux_input, aux_input_C else: raise ValueError( "Auxiliary input must be either a list or a tensor with \ shape (batch_size, P, C) where P is the maximum number of \ points in a cloud." ) def _parse_auxiliary_input_list( self, aux_input: list ) -> Tuple[Optional[List[torch.Tensor]], None, Optional[int]]: """ Interpret the auxiliary inputs (normals, features) given to __init__, if a list. Args: aux_input: - List where each element is a tensor of shape (num_points, C) containing the features for the points in the cloud. For normals, C = 3 Returns: 3-element tuple of list, padded=None, num_channels. If aux_input is list, then padded is None. If aux_input is a tensor, then list is None. """ aux_input_C = None good_empty = None needs_fixing = False if len(aux_input) != self._N: raise ValueError("Points and auxiliary input must be the same length.") for p, d in zip(self._num_points_per_cloud, aux_input): valid_but_empty = p == 0 and d is not None and d.ndim == 2 if p > 0 or valid_but_empty: if p != d.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "A cloud has mismatched numbers of points and inputs" ) if d.dim() != 2: raise ValueError( "A cloud auxiliary input must be of shape PxC or empty" ) if aux_input_C is None: aux_input_C = d.shape[1] elif aux_input_C != d.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The clouds must have the same number of channels") if d.device != self.device: raise ValueError( "All auxiliary inputs must be on the same device as the points." ) else: needs_fixing = True if aux_input_C is None: # We found nothing useful return None, None, None # If we have empty but "wrong" inputs we want to store "fixed" versions. if needs_fixing: if good_empty is None: good_empty = torch.zeros((0, aux_input_C), device=self.device) aux_input_out = [] for p, d in zip(self._num_points_per_cloud, aux_input): valid_but_empty = p == 0 and d is not None and d.ndim == 2 if p > 0 or valid_but_empty: aux_input_out.append(d) else: aux_input_out.append(good_empty) else: aux_input_out = aux_input return aux_input_out, None, aux_input_C def __len__(self) -> int: return self._N
[docs] def __getitem__( self, index: Union[int, List[int], slice, torch.BoolTensor, torch.LongTensor], ) -> "Pointclouds": """ Args: index: Specifying the index of the cloud to retrieve. Can be an int, slice, list of ints or a boolean tensor. Returns: Pointclouds object with selected clouds. The tensors are not cloned. """ normals, features = None, None normals_list = self.normals_list() features_list = self.features_list() if isinstance(index, int): points = [self.points_list()[index]] if normals_list is not None: normals = [normals_list[index]] if features_list is not None: features = [features_list[index]] elif isinstance(index, slice): points = self.points_list()[index] if normals_list is not None: normals = normals_list[index] if features_list is not None: features = features_list[index] elif isinstance(index, list): points = [self.points_list()[i] for i in index] if normals_list is not None: normals = [normals_list[i] for i in index] if features_list is not None: features = [features_list[i] for i in index] elif isinstance(index, torch.Tensor): if index.dim() != 1 or index.dtype.is_floating_point: raise IndexError(index) # NOTE consider converting index to cpu for efficiency if index.dtype == torch.bool: # advanced indexing on a single dimension index = index.nonzero() index = index.squeeze(1) if index.numel() > 0 else index index = index.tolist() points = [self.points_list()[i] for i in index] if normals_list is not None: normals = [normals_list[i] for i in index] if features_list is not None: features = [features_list[i] for i in index] else: raise IndexError(index) return self.__class__(points=points, normals=normals, features=features)
[docs] def isempty(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether any cloud is valid. Returns: bool indicating whether there is any data. """ return self._N == 0 or self.valid.eq(False).all()
[docs] def points_list(self) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Get the list representation of the points. Returns: list of tensors of points of shape (P_n, 3). """ if self._points_list is None: assert ( self._points_padded is not None ), "points_padded is required to compute points_list." points_list = [] for i in range(self._N): points_list.append( self._points_padded[i, : self.num_points_per_cloud()[i]] ) self._points_list = points_list return self._points_list
[docs] def normals_list(self) -> Optional[List[torch.Tensor]]: """ Get the list representation of the normals, or None if there are no normals. Returns: list of tensors of normals of shape (P_n, 3). """ if self._normals_list is None: if self._normals_padded is None: # No normals provided so return None return None self._normals_list = struct_utils.padded_to_list( self._normals_padded, self.num_points_per_cloud().tolist() ) return self._normals_list
[docs] def features_list(self) -> Optional[List[torch.Tensor]]: """ Get the list representation of the features, or None if there are no features. Returns: list of tensors of features of shape (P_n, C). """ if self._features_list is None: if self._features_padded is None: # No features provided so return None return None self._features_list = struct_utils.padded_to_list( self._features_padded, self.num_points_per_cloud().tolist() ) return self._features_list
[docs] def points_packed(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get the packed representation of the points. Returns: tensor of points of shape (sum(P_n), 3). """ self._compute_packed() return self._points_packed
[docs] def normals_packed(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ Get the packed representation of the normals. Returns: tensor of normals of shape (sum(P_n), 3), or None if there are no normals. """ self._compute_packed() return self._normals_packed
[docs] def features_packed(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ Get the packed representation of the features. Returns: tensor of features of shape (sum(P_n), C), or None if there are no features """ self._compute_packed() return self._features_packed
[docs] def packed_to_cloud_idx(self): """ Return a 1D tensor x with length equal to the total number of points. packed_to_cloud_idx()[i] gives the index of the cloud which contains points_packed()[i]. Returns: 1D tensor of indices. """ self._compute_packed() return self._packed_to_cloud_idx
[docs] def cloud_to_packed_first_idx(self): """ Return a 1D tensor x with length equal to the number of clouds such that the first point of the ith cloud is points_packed[x[i]]. Returns: 1D tensor of indices of first items. """ self._compute_packed() return self._cloud_to_packed_first_idx
[docs] def num_points_per_cloud(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Return a 1D tensor x with length equal to the number of clouds giving the number of points in each cloud. Returns: 1D tensor of sizes. """ return self._num_points_per_cloud
[docs] def points_padded(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get the padded representation of the points. Returns: tensor of points of shape (N, max(P_n), 3). """ self._compute_padded() return self._points_padded
[docs] def normals_padded(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ Get the padded representation of the normals, or None if there are no normals. Returns: tensor of normals of shape (N, max(P_n), 3). """ self._compute_padded() return self._normals_padded
[docs] def features_padded(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ Get the padded representation of the features, or None if there are no features. Returns: tensor of features of shape (N, max(P_n), 3). """ self._compute_padded() return self._features_padded
[docs] def padded_to_packed_idx(self): """ Return a 1D tensor x with length equal to the total number of points such that points_packed()[i] is element x[i] of the flattened padded representation. The packed representation can be calculated as follows. .. code-block:: python p = points_padded().reshape(-1, 3) points_packed = p[x] Returns: 1D tensor of indices. """ if self._padded_to_packed_idx is not None: return self._padded_to_packed_idx if self._N == 0: self._padded_to_packed_idx = [] else: self._padded_to_packed_idx = [ torch.arange(v, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.device) + i * self._P for (i, v) in enumerate(self.num_points_per_cloud()) ], dim=0, ) return self._padded_to_packed_idx
def _compute_padded(self, refresh: bool = False): """ Computes the padded version from points_list, normals_list and features_list. Args: refresh: whether to force the recalculation. """ if not (refresh or self._points_padded is None): return self._normals_padded, self._features_padded = None, None if self.isempty(): self._points_padded = torch.zeros((self._N, 0, 3), device=self.device) else: self._points_padded = struct_utils.list_to_padded( self.points_list(), (self._P, 3), pad_value=0.0, equisized=self.equisized, ) normals_list = self.normals_list() if normals_list is not None: self._normals_padded = struct_utils.list_to_padded( normals_list, (self._P, 3), pad_value=0.0, equisized=self.equisized, ) features_list = self.features_list() if features_list is not None: self._features_padded = struct_utils.list_to_padded( features_list, (self._P, self._C), pad_value=0.0, equisized=self.equisized, ) # TODO(nikhilar) Improve performance of _compute_packed. def _compute_packed(self, refresh: bool = False): """ Computes the packed version from points_list, normals_list and features_list and sets the values of auxiliary tensors. Args: refresh: Set to True to force recomputation of packed representations. Default: False. """ if not ( refresh or any( v is None for v in [ self._points_packed, self._packed_to_cloud_idx, self._cloud_to_packed_first_idx, ] ) ): return # Packed can be calculated from padded or list, so can call the # accessor function for the lists. points_list = self.points_list() normals_list = self.normals_list() features_list = self.features_list() if self.isempty(): self._points_packed = torch.zeros( (0, 3), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device ) self._packed_to_cloud_idx = torch.zeros( (0,), dtype=torch.int64, device=self.device ) self._cloud_to_packed_first_idx = torch.zeros( (0,), dtype=torch.int64, device=self.device ) self._normals_packed = None self._features_packed = None return points_list_to_packed = struct_utils.list_to_packed(points_list) self._points_packed = points_list_to_packed[0] if not torch.allclose(self._num_points_per_cloud, points_list_to_packed[1]): raise ValueError("Inconsistent list to packed conversion") self._cloud_to_packed_first_idx = points_list_to_packed[2] self._packed_to_cloud_idx = points_list_to_packed[3] self._normals_packed, self._features_packed = None, None if normals_list is not None: normals_list_to_packed = struct_utils.list_to_packed(normals_list) self._normals_packed = normals_list_to_packed[0] if features_list is not None: features_list_to_packed = struct_utils.list_to_packed(features_list) self._features_packed = features_list_to_packed[0]
[docs] def clone(self): """ Deep copy of Pointclouds object. All internal tensors are cloned individually. Returns: new Pointclouds object. """ # instantiate new pointcloud with the representation which is not None # (either list or tensor) to save compute. new_points, new_normals, new_features = None, None, None if self._points_list is not None: new_points = [v.clone() for v in self.points_list()] normals_list = self.normals_list() features_list = self.features_list() if normals_list is not None: new_normals = [n.clone() for n in normals_list] if features_list is not None: new_features = [f.clone() for f in features_list] elif self._points_padded is not None: new_points = self.points_padded().clone() normals_padded = self.normals_padded() features_padded = self.features_padded() if normals_padded is not None: new_normals = self.normals_padded().clone() if features_padded is not None: new_features = self.features_padded().clone() other = self.__class__( points=new_points, normals=new_normals, features=new_features ) for k in self._INTERNAL_TENSORS: v = getattr(self, k) if torch.is_tensor(v): setattr(other, k, v.clone()) return other
[docs] def detach(self): """ Detach Pointclouds object. All internal tensors are detached individually. Returns: new Pointclouds object. """ # instantiate new pointcloud with the representation which is not None # (either list or tensor) to save compute. new_points, new_normals, new_features = None, None, None if self._points_list is not None: new_points = [v.detach() for v in self.points_list()] normals_list = self.normals_list() features_list = self.features_list() if normals_list is not None: new_normals = [n.detach() for n in normals_list] if features_list is not None: new_features = [f.detach() for f in features_list] elif self._points_padded is not None: new_points = self.points_padded().detach() normals_padded = self.normals_padded() features_padded = self.features_padded() if normals_padded is not None: new_normals = self.normals_padded().detach() if features_padded is not None: new_features = self.features_padded().detach() other = self.__class__( points=new_points, normals=new_normals, features=new_features ) for k in self._INTERNAL_TENSORS: v = getattr(self, k) if torch.is_tensor(v): setattr(other, k, v.detach()) return other
[docs] def to(self, device: Device, copy: bool = False): """ Match functionality of If copy = True or the self Tensor is on a different device, the returned tensor is a copy of self with the desired torch.device. If copy = False and the self Tensor already has the correct torch.device, then self is returned. Args: device: Device (as str or torch.device) for the new tensor. copy: Boolean indicator whether or not to clone self. Default False. Returns: Pointclouds object. """ device_ = make_device(device) if not copy and self.device == device_: return self other = self.clone() if self.device == device_: return other other.device = device_ if other._N > 0: other._points_list = [ for v in other.points_list()] if other._normals_list is not None: other._normals_list = [ for n in other.normals_list()] if other._features_list is not None: other._features_list = [ for f in other.features_list()] for k in self._INTERNAL_TENSORS: v = getattr(self, k) if torch.is_tensor(v): setattr(other, k, return other
[docs] def cpu(self): return"cpu")
[docs] def cuda(self): return"cuda")
[docs] def get_cloud(self, index: int): """ Get tensors for a single cloud from the list representation. Args: index: Integer in the range [0, N). Returns: points: Tensor of shape (P, 3). normals: Tensor of shape (P, 3) features: LongTensor of shape (P, C). """ if not isinstance(index, int): raise ValueError("Cloud index must be an integer.") if index < 0 or index > self._N: raise ValueError( "Cloud index must be in the range [0, N) where \ N is the number of clouds in the batch." ) points = self.points_list()[index] normals, features = None, None normals_list = self.normals_list() if normals_list is not None: normals = normals_list[index] features_list = self.features_list() if features_list is not None: features = features_list[index] return points, normals, features
# TODO(nikhilar) Move function to a utils file.
[docs] def split(self, split_sizes: list): """ Splits Pointclouds object of size N into a list of Pointclouds objects of size len(split_sizes), where the i-th Pointclouds object is of size split_sizes[i]. Similar to torch.split(). Args: split_sizes: List of integer sizes of Pointclouds objects to be returned. Returns: list[Pointclouds]. """ if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in split_sizes): raise ValueError("Value of split_sizes must be a list of integers.") cloudlist = [] curi = 0 for i in split_sizes: cloudlist.append(self[curi : curi + i]) curi += i return cloudlist
[docs] def offset_(self, offsets_packed): """ Translate the point clouds by an offset. In place operation. Args: offsets_packed: A Tensor of shape (3,) or the same shape as self.points_packed giving offsets to be added to all points. Returns: self. """ points_packed = self.points_packed() if offsets_packed.shape == (3,): offsets_packed = offsets_packed.expand_as(points_packed) if offsets_packed.shape != points_packed.shape: raise ValueError("Offsets must have dimension (all_p, 3).") self._points_packed = points_packed + offsets_packed new_points_list = list( self._points_packed.split(self.num_points_per_cloud().tolist(), 0) ) # Note that since _compute_packed() has been executed, points_list # cannot be None even if not provided during construction. self._points_list = new_points_list if self._points_padded is not None: for i, points in enumerate(new_points_list): if len(points) > 0: self._points_padded[i, : points.shape[0], :] = points return self
# TODO(nikhilar) Move out of place operator to a utils file.
[docs] def offset(self, offsets_packed): """ Out of place offset. Args: offsets_packed: A Tensor of the same shape as self.points_packed giving offsets to be added to all points. Returns: new Pointclouds object. """ new_clouds = self.clone() return new_clouds.offset_(offsets_packed)
[docs] def subsample(self, max_points: Union[int, Sequence[int]]) -> "Pointclouds": """ Subsample each cloud so that it has at most max_points points. Args: max_points: maximum number of points in each cloud. Returns: new Pointclouds object, or self if nothing to be done. """ if isinstance(max_points, int): max_points = [max_points] * len(self) elif len(max_points) != len(self): raise ValueError("wrong number of max_points supplied") if all( int(n_points) <= int(max_) for n_points, max_ in zip(self.num_points_per_cloud(), max_points) ): return self points_list = [] features_list = [] normals_list = [] for max_, n_points, points, features, normals in zip_longest( map(int, max_points), map(int, self.num_points_per_cloud()), self.points_list(), self.features_list() or (), self.normals_list() or (), ): if n_points > max_: keep_np = np.random.choice(n_points, max_, replace=False) keep = torch.tensor(keep_np, device=points.device, dtype=torch.int64) points = points[keep] if features is not None: features = features[keep] if normals is not None: normals = normals[keep] points_list.append(points) features_list.append(features) normals_list.append(normals) return Pointclouds( points=points_list, normals=self.normals_list() and normals_list, features=self.features_list() and features_list, )
[docs] def scale_(self, scale): """ Multiply the coordinates of this object by a scalar value. - i.e. enlarge/dilate In place operation. Args: scale: A scalar, or a Tensor of shape (N,). Returns: self. """ if not torch.is_tensor(scale): scale = torch.full((len(self),), scale, device=self.device) new_points_list = [] points_list = self.points_list() for i, old_points in enumerate(points_list): new_points_list.append(scale[i] * old_points) self._points_list = new_points_list if self._points_packed is not None: self._points_packed =, dim=0) if self._points_padded is not None: for i, points in enumerate(new_points_list): if len(points) > 0: self._points_padded[i, : points.shape[0], :] = points return self
[docs] def scale(self, scale): """ Out of place scale_. Args: scale: A scalar, or a Tensor of shape (N,). Returns: new Pointclouds object. """ new_clouds = self.clone() return new_clouds.scale_(scale)
# TODO(nikhilar) Move function to utils file.
[docs] def get_bounding_boxes(self): """ Compute an axis-aligned bounding box for each cloud. Returns: bboxes: Tensor of shape (N, 3, 2) where bbox[i, j] gives the min and max values of cloud i along the jth coordinate axis. """ all_mins, all_maxes = [], [] for points in self.points_list(): cur_mins = points.min(dim=0)[0] # (3,) cur_maxes = points.max(dim=0)[0] # (3,) all_mins.append(cur_mins) all_maxes.append(cur_maxes) all_mins = torch.stack(all_mins, dim=0) # (N, 3) all_maxes = torch.stack(all_maxes, dim=0) # (N, 3) bboxes = torch.stack([all_mins, all_maxes], dim=2) return bboxes
[docs] def estimate_normals( self, neighborhood_size: int = 50, disambiguate_directions: bool = True, assign_to_self: bool = False, ): """ Estimates the normals of each point in each cloud and assigns them to the internal tensors `self._normals_list` and `self._normals_padded` The function uses `ops.estimate_pointcloud_local_coord_frames` to estimate the normals. Please refer to that function for more detailed information about the implemented algorithm. Args: **neighborhood_size**: The size of the neighborhood used to estimate the geometry around each point. **disambiguate_directions**: If `True`, uses the algorithm from [1] to ensure sign consistency of the normals of neighboring points. **normals**: A tensor of normals for each input point of shape `(minibatch, num_point, 3)`. If `pointclouds` are of `Pointclouds` class, returns a padded tensor. **assign_to_self**: If `True`, assigns the computed normals to the internal buffers overwriting any previously stored normals. References: [1] Tombari, Salti, Di Stefano: Unique Signatures of Histograms for Local Surface Description, ECCV 2010. """ from .. import ops # estimate the normals normals_est = ops.estimate_pointcloud_normals( self, neighborhood_size=neighborhood_size, disambiguate_directions=disambiguate_directions, ) # assign to self if assign_to_self: _, self._normals_padded, _ = self._parse_auxiliary_input(normals_est) self._normals_list, self._normals_packed = None, None if self._points_list is not None: # update self._normals_list self.normals_list() if self._points_packed is not None: # update self._normals_packed self._normals_packed =, dim=0) return normals_est
[docs] def extend(self, N: int): """ Create new Pointclouds which contains each cloud N times. Args: N: number of new copies of each cloud. Returns: new Pointclouds object. """ if not isinstance(N, int): raise ValueError("N must be an integer.") if N <= 0: raise ValueError("N must be > 0.") new_points_list, new_normals_list, new_features_list = [], None, None for points in self.points_list(): new_points_list.extend(points.clone() for _ in range(N)) normals_list = self.normals_list() if normals_list is not None: new_normals_list = [] for normals in normals_list: new_normals_list.extend(normals.clone() for _ in range(N)) features_list = self.features_list() if features_list is not None: new_features_list = [] for features in features_list: new_features_list.extend(features.clone() for _ in range(N)) return self.__class__( points=new_points_list, normals=new_normals_list, features=new_features_list )
[docs] def update_padded( self, new_points_padded, new_normals_padded=None, new_features_padded=None ): """ Returns a Pointcloud structure with updated padded tensors and copies of the auxiliary tensors. This function allows for an update of points_padded (and normals and features) without having to explicitly convert it to the list representation for heterogeneous batches. Args: new_points_padded: FloatTensor of shape (N, P, 3) new_normals_padded: (optional) FloatTensor of shape (N, P, 3) new_features_padded: (optional) FloatTensor of shape (N, P, C) Returns: Pointcloud with updated padded representations """ def check_shapes(x, size): if x.shape[0] != size[0]: raise ValueError("new values must have the same batch dimension.") if x.shape[1] != size[1]: raise ValueError("new values must have the same number of points.") if size[2] is not None: if x.shape[2] != size[2]: raise ValueError( "new values must have the same number of channels." ) check_shapes(new_points_padded, [self._N, self._P, 3]) if new_normals_padded is not None: check_shapes(new_normals_padded, [self._N, self._P, 3]) if new_features_padded is not None: check_shapes(new_features_padded, [self._N, self._P, self._C]) new = self.__class__( points=new_points_padded, normals=new_normals_padded, features=new_features_padded, ) # overwrite the equisized flag new.equisized = self.equisized # copy normals if new_normals_padded is None: # If no normals are provided, keep old ones (shallow copy) new._normals_list = self._normals_list new._normals_padded = self._normals_padded new._normals_packed = self._normals_packed # copy features if new_features_padded is None: # If no features are provided, keep old ones (shallow copy) new._features_list = self._features_list new._features_padded = self._features_padded new._features_packed = self._features_packed # copy auxiliary tensors copy_tensors = [ "_packed_to_cloud_idx", "_cloud_to_packed_first_idx", "_num_points_per_cloud", "_padded_to_packed_idx", "valid", ] for k in copy_tensors: v = getattr(self, k) if torch.is_tensor(v): setattr(new, k, v) # shallow copy # update points new._points_padded = new_points_padded assert new._points_list is None assert new._points_packed is None # update normals and features if provided if new_normals_padded is not None: new._normals_padded = new_normals_padded new._normals_list = None new._normals_packed = None if new_features_padded is not None: new._features_padded = new_features_padded new._features_list = None new._features_packed = None return new
[docs] def inside_box(self, box): """ Finds the points inside a 3D box. Args: box: FloatTensor of shape (2, 3) or (N, 2, 3) where N is the number of clouds. box[..., 0, :] gives the min x, y & z. box[..., 1, :] gives the max x, y & z. Returns: idx: BoolTensor of length sum(P_i) indicating whether the packed points are within the input box. """ if box.dim() > 3 or box.dim() < 2: raise ValueError("Input box must be of shape (2, 3) or (N, 2, 3).") if box.dim() == 3 and box.shape[0] != 1 and box.shape[0] != self._N: raise ValueError( "Input box dimension is incompatible with pointcloud size." ) if box.dim() == 2: box = box[None] if (box[..., 0, :] > box[..., 1, :]).any(): raise ValueError("Input box is invalid: min values larger than max values.") points_packed = self.points_packed() sumP = points_packed.shape[0] if box.shape[0] == 1: box = box.expand(sumP, 2, 3) elif box.shape[0] == self._N: box = box.unbind(0) box = [ b.expand(p, 2, 3) for (b, p) in zip(box, self.num_points_per_cloud()) ] box =, 0) coord_inside = (points_packed >= box[:, 0]) * (points_packed <= box[:, 1]) return coord_inside.all(dim=-1)
[docs] def join_pointclouds_as_batch(pointclouds: Sequence[Pointclouds]) -> Pointclouds: """ Merge a list of Pointclouds objects into a single batched Pointclouds object. All pointclouds must be on the same device. Args: batch: List of Pointclouds objects each with batch dim [b1, b2, ..., bN] Returns: pointcloud: Poinclouds object with all input pointclouds collated into a single object with batch dim = sum(b1, b2, ..., bN) """ if isinstance(pointclouds, Pointclouds) or not isinstance(pointclouds, Sequence): raise ValueError("Wrong first argument to join_points_as_batch.") device = pointclouds[0].device if not all(p.device == device for p in pointclouds): raise ValueError("Pointclouds must all be on the same device") kwargs = {} for field in ("points", "normals", "features"): field_list = [getattr(p, field + "_list")() for p in pointclouds] if None in field_list: if field == "points": raise ValueError("Pointclouds cannot have their points set to None!") if not all(f is None for f in field_list): raise ValueError( f"Pointclouds in the batch have some fields '{field}'" + " defined and some set to None." ) field_list = None else: field_list = [p for points in field_list for p in points] if field == "features" and any( p.shape[1] != field_list[0].shape[1] for p in field_list[1:] ): raise ValueError("Pointclouds must have the same number of features") kwargs[field] = field_list return Pointclouds(**kwargs)
[docs] def join_pointclouds_as_scene( pointclouds: Union[Pointclouds, List[Pointclouds]], ) -> Pointclouds: """ Joins a batch of point cloud in the form of a Pointclouds object or a list of Pointclouds objects as a single point cloud. If the input is a list, the Pointclouds objects in the list must all be on the same device, and they must either all or none have features and all or none have normals. Args: Pointclouds: Pointclouds object that contains a batch of point clouds, or a list of Pointclouds objects. Returns: new Pointclouds object containing a single point cloud """ if isinstance(pointclouds, list): pointclouds = join_pointclouds_as_batch(pointclouds) if len(pointclouds) == 1: return pointclouds points = pointclouds.points_packed() features = pointclouds.features_packed() normals = pointclouds.normals_packed() pointcloud = Pointclouds( points=points[None], features=None if features is None else features[None], normals=None if normals is None else normals[None], ) return pointcloud