Source code for pytorch3d.renderer.implicit.utils

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# pyre-unsafe

import dataclasses
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Union

import torch

[docs] class RayBundle(NamedTuple): """ Parametrizes points along projection rays by storing: origins: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` denoting the origins of the sampling rays in world coords. directions: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords. They don't have to be normalized; they define unit vectors in the respective 1D coordinate systems; see documentation for :func:`ray_bundle_to_ray_points` for the conversion formula. lengths: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray)` containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled. xys: A tensor of shape `(..., 2)`, the xy-locations (`xys`) of the ray pixels """ origins: torch.Tensor directions: torch.Tensor lengths: torch.Tensor xys: torch.Tensor
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class HeterogeneousRayBundle: """ Members: origins: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` denoting the origins of the sampling rays in world coords. directions: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords. They don't have to be normalized; they define unit vectors in the respective 1D coordinate systems; see documentation for :func:`ray_bundle_to_ray_points` for the conversion formula. lengths: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray)` containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled. xys: A tensor of shape `(..., 2)`, the xy-locations (`xys`) of the ray pixels camera_ids: A tensor of shape (N, ) which indicates which camera was used to sample the rays. `N` is the number of unique sampled cameras. camera_counts: A tensor of shape (N, ) which how many times the coresponding camera in `camera_ids` was sampled. `sum(camera_counts)==total_number_of_rays` If we sample cameras of ids [0, 3, 5, 3, 1, 0, 0] that would be stored as camera_ids=[1, 3, 5, 0] and camera_counts=[1, 2, 1, 3]. `camera_ids` is a set like object with no particular ordering of elements. ith element of `camera_ids` coresponds to the ith element of `camera_counts`. """ origins: torch.Tensor directions: torch.Tensor lengths: torch.Tensor xys: torch.Tensor camera_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None camera_counts: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None
[docs] def ray_bundle_to_ray_points( ray_bundle: Union[RayBundle, HeterogeneousRayBundle] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts rays parametrized with a `ray_bundle` (an instance of the `RayBundle` named tuple or HeterogeneousRayBundle dataclass) to 3D points by extending each ray according to the corresponding length. E.g. for 2 dimensional tensors ``, `ray_bundle.directions` and `ray_bundle.lengths`, the ray point at position `[i, j]` is:: ray_bundle.points[i, j, :] = ([i, :] + ray_bundle.directions[i, :] * ray_bundle.lengths[i, j] ) Note that both the directions and magnitudes of the vectors in `ray_bundle.directions` matter. Args: ray_bundle: A `RayBundle` or `HeterogeneousRayBundle` object with fields: origins: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` directions: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` lengths: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray)` Returns: rays_points: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray, 3)` containing the points sampled along each ray. """ return ray_bundle_variables_to_ray_points(, ray_bundle.directions, ray_bundle.lengths )
[docs] def ray_bundle_variables_to_ray_points( rays_origins: torch.Tensor, rays_directions: torch.Tensor, rays_lengths: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts rays parametrized with origins and directions to 3D points by extending each ray according to the corresponding ray length: E.g. for 2 dimensional input tensors `rays_origins`, `rays_directions` and `rays_lengths`, the ray point at position `[i, j]` is:: rays_points[i, j, :] = ( rays_origins[i, :] + rays_directions[i, :] * rays_lengths[i, j] ) Note that both the directions and magnitudes of the vectors in `rays_directions` matter. Args: rays_origins: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` rays_directions: A tensor of shape `(..., 3)` rays_lengths: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray)` Returns: rays_points: A tensor of shape `(..., num_points_per_ray, 3)` containing the points sampled along each ray. """ rays_points = ( rays_origins[..., None, :] + rays_lengths[..., :, None] * rays_directions[..., None, :] ) return rays_points
def _validate_ray_bundle_variables( rays_origins: torch.Tensor, rays_directions: torch.Tensor, rays_lengths: torch.Tensor, ) -> None: """ Validate the shapes of RayBundle variables `rays_origins`, `rays_directions`, and `rays_lengths`. """ ndim = rays_origins.ndim if any(r.ndim != ndim for r in (rays_directions, rays_lengths)): raise ValueError( "rays_origins, rays_directions and rays_lengths" + " have to have the same number of dimensions." ) if ndim <= 2: raise ValueError( "rays_origins, rays_directions and rays_lengths" + " have to have at least 3 dimensions." ) spatial_size = rays_origins.shape[:-1] if any(spatial_size != r.shape[:-1] for r in (rays_directions, rays_lengths)): raise ValueError( "The shapes of rays_origins, rays_directions and rays_lengths" + " may differ only in the last dimension." ) if any(r.shape[-1] != 3 for r in (rays_origins, rays_directions)): raise ValueError( "The size of the last dimension of rays_origins/rays_directions" + "has to be 3." )