Source code for pytorch3d.renderer.implicit.raysampling

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from pytorch3d.common.compat import meshgrid_ij
from pytorch3d.ops import padded_to_packed
from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase
from pytorch3d.renderer.implicit.utils import HeterogeneousRayBundle, RayBundle
from torch.nn import functional as F

This file defines three raysampling techniques:
    - MultinomialRaysampler which can be used to sample rays from pixels of an image grid
    - NDCMultinomialRaysampler which can be used to sample rays from pixels of an image grid,
        which follows the pytorch3d convention for image grid coordinates
    - MonteCarloRaysampler which randomly selects real-valued locations in the image plane
        and emits rays from them

[docs] class MultinomialRaysampler(torch.nn.Module): """ Samples a fixed number of points along rays which are regularly distributed in a batch of rectangular image grids. Points along each ray have uniformly-spaced z-coordinates between a predefined minimum and maximum depth. The raysampler first generates a 3D coordinate grid of the following form:: / min_x, min_y, max_depth -------------- / max_x, min_y, max_depth / /| / / | ^ / min_depth min_depth / | | min_x ----------------------------- max_x | | image min_y min_y | | height | | | | | | | v | | | | | / max_x, max_y, ^ | | / max_depth / min_x max_y / / n_pts_per_ray max_y ----------------------------- max_x/ min_depth v < --- image_width --- > In order to generate ray points, `MultinomialRaysampler` takes each 3D point of the grid (with coordinates `[x, y, depth]`) and unprojects it with `cameras.unproject_points([x, y, depth])`, where `cameras` are an additional input to the `forward` function. Note that this is a generic implementation that can support any image grid coordinate convention. For a raysampler which follows the PyTorch3D coordinate conventions please refer to `NDCMultinomialRaysampler`. As such, `NDCMultinomialRaysampler` is a special case of `MultinomialRaysampler`. Attributes: min_x: The leftmost x-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. max_x: The rightmost x-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. min_y: The topmost y-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. max_y: The bottommost y-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, min_x: float, max_x: float, min_y: float, max_y: float, image_width: int, image_height: int, n_pts_per_ray: int, min_depth: float, max_depth: float, n_rays_per_image: Optional[int] = None, n_rays_total: Optional[int] = None, unit_directions: bool = False, stratified_sampling: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: min_x: The leftmost x-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. max_x: The rightmost x-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. min_y: The topmost y-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. max_y: The bottommost y-coordinate of each ray's source pixel's center. image_width: The horizontal size of the image grid. image_height: The vertical size of the image grid. n_pts_per_ray: The number of points sampled along each ray. min_depth: The minimum depth of a ray-point. max_depth: The maximum depth of a ray-point. n_rays_per_image: If given, this amount of rays are sampled from the grid. `n_rays_per_image` and `n_rays_total` cannot both be defined. n_rays_total: How many rays in total to sample from the cameras provided. The result is as if `n_rays_total_training` cameras were sampled with replacement from the cameras provided and for every camera one ray was sampled. If set returns the HeterogeneousRayBundle with batch_size=n_rays_total. `n_rays_per_image` and `n_rays_total` cannot both be defined. unit_directions: whether to normalize direction vectors in ray bundle. stratified_sampling: if True, performs stratified random sampling along the ray; otherwise takes ray points at deterministic offsets. """ super().__init__() self._n_pts_per_ray = n_pts_per_ray self._min_depth = min_depth self._max_depth = max_depth self._n_rays_per_image = n_rays_per_image self._n_rays_total = n_rays_total self._unit_directions = unit_directions self._stratified_sampling = stratified_sampling self.min_x, self.max_x = min_x, max_x self.min_y, self.max_y = min_y, max_y # get the initial grid of image xy coords y, x = meshgrid_ij( torch.linspace(min_y, max_y, image_height, dtype=torch.float32), torch.linspace(min_x, max_x, image_width, dtype=torch.float32), ) _xy_grid = torch.stack([x, y], dim=-1) self.register_buffer("_xy_grid", _xy_grid, persistent=False)
[docs] def forward( self, cameras: CamerasBase, *, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, min_depth: Optional[float] = None, max_depth: Optional[float] = None, n_rays_per_image: Optional[int] = None, n_pts_per_ray: Optional[int] = None, stratified_sampling: Optional[bool] = None, n_rays_total: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[RayBundle, HeterogeneousRayBundle]: """ Args: cameras: A batch of `batch_size` cameras from which the rays are emitted. mask: if given, the rays are sampled from the mask. Should be of size (batch_size, image_height, image_width). min_depth: The minimum depth of a ray-point. max_depth: The maximum depth of a ray-point. n_rays_per_image: If given, this amount of rays are sampled from the grid. `n_rays_per_image` and `n_rays_total` cannot both be defined. n_pts_per_ray: The number of points sampled along each ray. stratified_sampling: if set, overrides stratified_sampling provided in __init__. n_rays_total: How many rays in total to sample from the cameras provided. The result is as if `n_rays_total_training` cameras were sampled with replacement from the cameras provided and for every camera one ray was sampled. If set returns the HeterogeneousRayBundle with batch_size=n_rays_total. `n_rays_per_image` and `n_rays_total` cannot both be defined. Returns: A named tuple RayBundle or dataclass HeterogeneousRayBundle with the following fields: origins: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, s1, s2, 3)` denoting the locations of ray origins in the world coordinates. directions: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, s1, s2, 3)` denoting the directions of each ray in the world coordinates. lengths: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, s1, s2, n_pts_per_ray)` containing the z-coordinate (=depth) of each ray in world units. xys: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, s1, s2, 2)` containing the 2D image coordinates of each ray or, if mask is given, `(batch_size, n, 1, 2)` Here `s1, s2` refer to spatial dimensions. `(s1, s2)` refer to (highest priority first): - `(1, 1)` if `n_rays_total` is provided, (batch_size=n_rays_total) - `(n_rays_per_image, 1) if `n_rays_per_image` if provided, - `(n, 1)` where n is the minimum cardinality of the mask in the batch if `mask` is provided - `(image_height, image_width)` if nothing from above is satisfied `HeterogeneousRayBundle` has additional members: - camera_ids: tensor of shape (M,), where `M` is the number of unique sampled cameras. It represents unique ids of sampled cameras. - camera_counts: tensor of shape (M,), where `M` is the number of unique sampled cameras. Represents how many times each camera from `camera_ids` was sampled `HeterogeneousRayBundle` is returned if `n_rays_total` is provided else `RayBundle` is returned. """ n_rays_total = n_rays_total or self._n_rays_total n_rays_per_image = n_rays_per_image or self._n_rays_per_image if (n_rays_total is not None) and (n_rays_per_image is not None): raise ValueError( "`n_rays_total` and `n_rays_per_image` cannot both be defined." ) if n_rays_total: ( cameras, mask, camera_ids, # unique ids of sampled cameras camera_counts, # number of times unique camera id was sampled # `n_rays_per_image` is equal to the max number of times a simgle camera # was sampled. We sample all cameras at `camera_ids` `n_rays_per_image` times # and then discard the unneeded rays. # pyre-ignore[9] n_rays_per_image, ) = _sample_cameras_and_masks(n_rays_total, cameras, mask) else: # pyre-ignore[9] camera_ids: torch.LongTensor = torch.arange(len(cameras), dtype=torch.long) batch_size = cameras.R.shape[0] device = cameras.device # expand the (H, W, 2) grid batch_size-times to (B, H, W, 2) xy_grid =, -1, -1, -1) if mask is not None and n_rays_per_image is None: # if num rays not given, sample according to the smallest mask n_rays_per_image = ( n_rays_per_image or mask.sum(dim=(1, 2)).min().int().item() ) if n_rays_per_image is not None: if mask is not None: assert mask.shape == xy_grid.shape[:3] weights = mask.reshape(batch_size, -1) else: # it is probably more efficient to use torch.randperm # for uniform weights but it is unlikely given that randperm # is not batched and does not support partial permutation _, width, height, _ = xy_grid.shape weights = xy_grid.new_ones(batch_size, width * height) # pyre-fixme[6]: For 2nd param expected `int` but got `Union[bool, # float, int]`. rays_idx = _safe_multinomial(weights, n_rays_per_image)[..., None].expand( -1, -1, 2 ) xy_grid = torch.gather(xy_grid.reshape(batch_size, -1, 2), 1, rays_idx)[ :, :, None ] min_depth = min_depth if min_depth is not None else self._min_depth max_depth = max_depth if max_depth is not None else self._max_depth n_pts_per_ray = ( n_pts_per_ray if n_pts_per_ray is not None else self._n_pts_per_ray ) stratified_sampling = ( stratified_sampling if stratified_sampling is not None else self._stratified_sampling ) ray_bundle = _xy_to_ray_bundle( cameras, xy_grid, min_depth, max_depth, n_pts_per_ray, self._unit_directions, stratified_sampling, ) return ( # pyre-ignore[61] _pack_ray_bundle(ray_bundle, camera_ids, camera_counts) if n_rays_total else ray_bundle )
[docs] class NDCMultinomialRaysampler(MultinomialRaysampler): """ Samples a fixed number of points along rays which are regularly distributed in a batch of rectangular image grids. Points along each ray have uniformly-spaced z-coordinates between a predefined minimum and maximum depth. `NDCMultinomialRaysampler` follows the screen conventions of the `Meshes` and `Pointclouds` renderers. I.e. the pixel coordinates are in [-1, 1]x[-u, u] or [-u, u]x[-1, 1] where u > 1 is the aspect ratio of the image. For the description of arguments, see the documentation to MultinomialRaysampler. """ def __init__( self, *, image_width: int, image_height: int, n_pts_per_ray: int, min_depth: float, max_depth: float, n_rays_per_image: Optional[int] = None, n_rays_total: Optional[int] = None, unit_directions: bool = False, stratified_sampling: bool = False, ) -> None: if image_width >= image_height: range_x = image_width / image_height range_y = 1.0 else: range_x = 1.0 range_y = image_height / image_width half_pix_width = range_x / image_width half_pix_height = range_y / image_height super().__init__( min_x=range_x - half_pix_width, max_x=-range_x + half_pix_width, min_y=range_y - half_pix_height, max_y=-range_y + half_pix_height, image_width=image_width, image_height=image_height, n_pts_per_ray=n_pts_per_ray, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, n_rays_per_image=n_rays_per_image, n_rays_total=n_rays_total, unit_directions=unit_directions, stratified_sampling=stratified_sampling, )
[docs] class MonteCarloRaysampler(torch.nn.Module): """ Samples a fixed number of pixels within denoted xy bounds uniformly at random. For each pixel, a fixed number of points is sampled along its ray at uniformly-spaced z-coordinates such that the z-coordinates range between a predefined minimum and maximum depth. For practical purposes, this is similar to MultinomialRaysampler without a mask, however sampling at real-valued locations bypassing replacement checks may be faster. """
[docs] def __init__( self, min_x: float, max_x: float, min_y: float, max_y: float, n_rays_per_image: int, n_pts_per_ray: int, min_depth: float, max_depth: float, *, n_rays_total: Optional[int] = None, unit_directions: bool = False, stratified_sampling: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: min_x: The smallest x-coordinate of each ray's source pixel. max_x: The largest x-coordinate of each ray's source pixel. min_y: The smallest y-coordinate of each ray's source pixel. max_y: The largest y-coordinate of each ray's source pixel. n_rays_per_image: The number of rays randomly sampled in each camera. `n_rays_per_image` and `n_rays_total` cannot both be defined. n_pts_per_ray: The number of points sampled along each ray. min_depth: The minimum depth of each ray-point. max_depth: The maximum depth of each ray-point. n_rays_total: How many rays in total to sample from the cameras provided. The result is as if `n_rays_total_training` cameras were sampled with replacement from the cameras provided and for every camera one ray was sampled. If set returns the HeterogeneousRayBundle with batch_size=n_rays_total. `n_rays_per_image` and `n_rays_total` cannot both be defined. unit_directions: whether to normalize direction vectors in ray bundle. stratified_sampling: if True, performs stratified sampling in n_pts_per_ray bins for each ray; otherwise takes n_pts_per_ray deterministic points on each ray with uniform offsets. """ super().__init__() self._min_x = min_x self._max_x = max_x self._min_y = min_y self._max_y = max_y self._n_rays_per_image = n_rays_per_image self._n_pts_per_ray = n_pts_per_ray self._min_depth = min_depth self._max_depth = max_depth self._n_rays_total = n_rays_total self._unit_directions = unit_directions self._stratified_sampling = stratified_sampling
[docs] def forward( self, cameras: CamerasBase, *, stratified_sampling: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[RayBundle, HeterogeneousRayBundle]: """ Args: cameras: A batch of `batch_size` cameras from which the rays are emitted. stratified_sampling: if set, overrides stratified_sampling provided in __init__. Returns: A named tuple `RayBundle` or dataclass `HeterogeneousRayBundle` with the following fields: origins: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 3)` denoting the locations of ray origins in the world coordinates. directions: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 3)` denoting the directions of each ray in the world coordinates. lengths: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, n_pts_per_ray)` containing the z-coordinate (=depth) of each ray in world units. xys: A tensor of shape `(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 2)` containing the 2D image coordinates of each ray. If `n_rays_total` is provided `batch_size=n_rays_total`and `n_rays_per_image=1` and `HeterogeneousRayBundle` is returned else `RayBundle` is returned. `HeterogeneousRayBundle` has additional members: - camera_ids: tensor of shape (M,), where `M` is the number of unique sampled cameras. It represents unique ids of sampled cameras. - camera_counts: tensor of shape (M,), where `M` is the number of unique sampled cameras. Represents how many times each camera from `camera_ids` was sampled """ if ( sum(x is not None for x in [self._n_rays_total, self._n_rays_per_image]) != 1 ): raise ValueError( "Exactly one of `self.n_rays_total` and `self.n_rays_per_image` " "must be given." ) if self._n_rays_total: ( cameras, _, camera_ids, camera_counts, n_rays_per_image, ) = _sample_cameras_and_masks(self._n_rays_total, cameras, None) else: # pyre-ignore[9] camera_ids: torch.LongTensor = torch.arange(len(cameras), dtype=torch.long) n_rays_per_image = self._n_rays_per_image batch_size = cameras.R.shape[0] device = cameras.device # get the initial grid of image xy coords # of shape (batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 2) rays_xy = [ torch.rand( size=(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 1), dtype=torch.float32, device=device, ) * (high - low) + low for low, high in ( (self._min_x, self._max_x), (self._min_y, self._max_y), ) ], dim=2, ) stratified_sampling = ( stratified_sampling if stratified_sampling is not None else self._stratified_sampling ) ray_bundle = _xy_to_ray_bundle( cameras, rays_xy, self._min_depth, self._max_depth, self._n_pts_per_ray, self._unit_directions, stratified_sampling, ) return ( # pyre-ignore[61] _pack_ray_bundle(ray_bundle, camera_ids, camera_counts) if self._n_rays_total else ray_bundle )
# Settings for backwards compatibility
[docs] def GridRaysampler( min_x: float, max_x: float, min_y: float, max_y: float, image_width: int, image_height: int, n_pts_per_ray: int, min_depth: float, max_depth: float, ) -> "MultinomialRaysampler": """ GridRaysampler has been DEPRECATED. Use MultinomialRaysampler instead. Preserving GridRaysampler for backward compatibility. """ warnings.warn( """GridRaysampler is deprecated, Use MultinomialRaysampler instead. GridRaysampler will be removed in future releases.""", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return MultinomialRaysampler( min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x, min_y=min_y, max_y=max_y, image_width=image_width, image_height=image_height, n_pts_per_ray=n_pts_per_ray, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, )
# Settings for backwards compatibility
[docs] def NDCGridRaysampler( image_width: int, image_height: int, n_pts_per_ray: int, min_depth: float, max_depth: float, ) -> "NDCMultinomialRaysampler": """ NDCGridRaysampler has been DEPRECATED. Use NDCMultinomialRaysampler instead. Preserving NDCGridRaysampler for backward compatibility. """ warnings.warn( """NDCGridRaysampler is deprecated, Use NDCMultinomialRaysampler instead. NDCGridRaysampler will be removed in future releases.""", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return NDCMultinomialRaysampler( image_width=image_width, image_height=image_height, n_pts_per_ray=n_pts_per_ray, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, )
def _safe_multinomial(input: torch.Tensor, num_samples: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ Wrapper around torch.multinomial that attempts sampling without replacement when possible, otherwise resorts to sampling with replacement. Args: input: tensor of shape [B, n] containing non-negative values; rows are interpreted as unnormalized event probabilities in categorical distributions. num_samples: number of samples to take. Returns: LongTensor of shape [B, num_samples] containing values from {0, ..., n - 1} where the elements [i, :] of row i make (1) if there are num_samples or more non-zero values in input[i], a random subset of the indices of those values, with probabilities proportional to the values in input[i, :]. (2) if not, a random sample with replacement of the indices of those values, with probabilities proportional to them. This sample might not contain all the indices of the non-zero values. Behavior undetermined if there are no non-zero values in a whole row or if there are negative values. """ try: res = torch.multinomial(input, num_samples, replacement=False) except RuntimeError: # this is probably rare, so we don't mind sampling twice res = torch.multinomial(input, num_samples, replacement=True) no_repl = (input > 0.0).sum(dim=-1) >= num_samples res[no_repl] = torch.multinomial(input[no_repl], num_samples, replacement=False) return res # in some versions of Pytorch, zero probabilty samples can be drawn without an error # due to this bug: Handle this case: repl = (input > 0.0).sum(dim=-1) < num_samples if repl.any(): res[repl] = torch.multinomial(input[repl], num_samples, replacement=True) return res def _xy_to_ray_bundle( cameras: CamerasBase, xy_grid: torch.Tensor, min_depth: float, max_depth: float, n_pts_per_ray: int, unit_directions: bool, stratified_sampling: bool = False, ) -> RayBundle: """ Extends the `xy_grid` input of shape `(batch_size, ..., 2)` to rays. This adds to each xy location in the grid a vector of `n_pts_per_ray` depths uniformly spaced between `min_depth` and `max_depth`. The extended grid is then unprojected with `cameras` to yield ray origins, directions and depths. Args: cameras: cameras object representing a batch of cameras. xy_grid: torch.tensor grid of image xy coords. min_depth: The minimum depth of each ray-point. max_depth: The maximum depth of each ray-point. n_pts_per_ray: The number of points sampled along each ray. unit_directions: whether to normalize direction vectors in ray bundle. stratified_sampling: if True, performs stratified sampling in n_pts_per_ray bins for each ray; otherwise takes n_pts_per_ray deterministic points on each ray with uniform offsets. """ batch_size = xy_grid.shape[0] spatial_size = xy_grid.shape[1:-1] n_rays_per_image = spatial_size.numel() # ray z-coords rays_zs = xy_grid.new_empty((0,)) if n_pts_per_ray > 0: depths = torch.linspace( min_depth, max_depth, n_pts_per_ray, dtype=xy_grid.dtype, device=xy_grid.device, ) rays_zs = depths[None, None].expand(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, n_pts_per_ray) if stratified_sampling: rays_zs = _jiggle_within_stratas(rays_zs) # make two sets of points at a constant depth=1 and 2 to_unproject = ( xy_grid.view(batch_size, 1, n_rays_per_image, 2) .expand(batch_size, 2, n_rays_per_image, 2) .reshape(batch_size, n_rays_per_image * 2, 2), ( xy_grid.new_ones(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 1), 2.0 * xy_grid.new_ones(batch_size, n_rays_per_image, 1), ), dim=1, ), ), dim=-1, ) # unproject the points unprojected = cameras.unproject_points(to_unproject, from_ndc=True) # split the two planes back rays_plane_1_world = unprojected[:, :n_rays_per_image] rays_plane_2_world = unprojected[:, n_rays_per_image:] # directions are the differences between the two planes of points rays_directions_world = rays_plane_2_world - rays_plane_1_world # origins are given by subtracting the ray directions from the first plane rays_origins_world = rays_plane_1_world - rays_directions_world if unit_directions: rays_directions_world = F.normalize(rays_directions_world, dim=-1) return RayBundle( rays_origins_world.view(batch_size, *spatial_size, 3), rays_directions_world.view(batch_size, *spatial_size, 3), rays_zs.view(batch_size, *spatial_size, n_pts_per_ray), xy_grid, ) def _jiggle_within_stratas(bin_centers: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Performs sampling of 1 point per bin given the bin centers. More specifically, it replaces each point's value `z` with a sample from a uniform random distribution on `[z - delta_-, z + delta_+]`, where `delta_-` is half of the difference between `z` and the previous point, and `delta_+` is half of the difference between the next point and `z`. For the first and last items, the corresponding boundary deltas are assumed zero. Args: `bin_centers`: The input points of size (..., N); the result is broadcast along all but the last dimension (the rows). Each row should be sorted in ascending order. Returns: a tensor of size (..., N) with the locations jiggled within stratas/bins. """ # Get intervals between bin centers. mids = 0.5 * (bin_centers[..., 1:] + bin_centers[..., :-1]) upper =, bin_centers[..., -1:]), dim=-1) lower =[..., :1], mids), dim=-1) # Samples in those intervals. jiggled = lower + (upper - lower) * torch.rand_like(lower) return jiggled def _sample_cameras_and_masks( n_samples: int, cameras: CamerasBase, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ) -> Tuple[ CamerasBase, Optional[torch.Tensor], torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor, ]: """ Samples n_rays_total cameras and masks and returns them in a form (camera_idx, count), where count represents number of times the same camera has been sampled. Args: n_samples: how many camera and mask pairs to sample cameras: A batch of `batch_size` cameras from which the rays are emitted. mask: Optional. Should be of size (batch_size, image_height, image_width). Returns: tuple of a form (sampled_cameras, sampled_masks, unique_sampled_camera_ids, number_of_times_each_sampled_camera_has_been_sampled, max_number_of_times_camera_has_been_sampled, ) """ sampled_ids = torch.randint( 0, len(cameras), size=(n_samples,), dtype=torch.long, ) unique_ids, counts = torch.unique(sampled_ids, return_counts=True) # pyre-ignore[7] return ( cameras[unique_ids], mask[unique_ids] if mask is not None else None, unique_ids, counts, torch.max(counts), ) # TODO: this function can be unified with ImplicitronRayBundle.get_padded_xys def _pack_ray_bundle( ray_bundle: RayBundle, camera_ids: torch.LongTensor, camera_counts: torch.LongTensor ) -> HeterogeneousRayBundle: """ Pack the raybundle from [n_cameras, max(rays_per_camera), ...] to [total_num_rays, 1, ...] Args: ray_bundle: A ray_bundle to pack camera_ids: Unique ids of cameras that were sampled camera_counts: how many of which camera to pack, each count coresponds to one 'row' of the ray_bundle and says how many rays wll be taken from it and packed. Returns: HeterogeneousRayBundle where batch_size=sum(camera_counts) and n_rays_per_image=1 """ # pyre-ignore[9] camera_counts = cumsum = torch.cumsum(camera_counts, dim=0, dtype=torch.long) # pyre-ignore[9] first_idxs: torch.LongTensor = (camera_counts.new_zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long), cumsum[:-1]) ) num_inputs = int(camera_counts.sum()) return HeterogeneousRayBundle( origins=padded_to_packed(, first_idxs, num_inputs)[:, None], directions=padded_to_packed(ray_bundle.directions, first_idxs, num_inputs)[ :, None ], lengths=padded_to_packed(ray_bundle.lengths, first_idxs, num_inputs)[:, None], xys=padded_to_packed(ray_bundle.xys, first_idxs, num_inputs)[:, None], camera_ids=camera_ids, camera_counts=camera_counts, )