Source code for pytorch3d.renderer.implicit.raymarching

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

import warnings
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

[docs] class EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher(torch.nn.Module): """ Raymarch using the Emission-Absorption (EA) algorithm. The algorithm independently renders each ray by analyzing density and feature values sampled at (typically uniformly) spaced 3D locations along each ray. The density values `rays_densities` are of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray)`, their values should range between [0, 1], and represent the opaqueness of each point (the higher the less transparent). The feature values `rays_features` of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, feature_dim)` represent the content of the point that is supposed to be rendered in case the given point is opaque (i.e. its density -> 1.0). EA first utilizes `rays_densities` to compute the absorption function along each ray as follows:: absorption = cumprod(1 - rays_densities, dim=-1) The value of absorption at position `absorption[..., k]` specifies how much light has reached `k`-th point along a ray since starting its trajectory at `k=0`-th point. Each ray is then rendered into a tensor `features` of shape `(..., feature_dim)` by taking a weighed combination of per-ray features `rays_features` as follows:: weights = absorption * rays_densities features = (rays_features * weights).sum(dim=-2) Where `weights` denote a function that has a strong peak around the location of the first surface point that a given ray passes through. Note that for a perfectly bounded volume (with a strictly binary density), the `weights = cumprod(1 - rays_densities, dim=-1) * rays_densities` function would yield 0 everywhere. In order to prevent this, the result of the cumulative product is shifted `self.surface_thickness` elements along the ray direction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, surface_thickness: int = 1) -> None: """ Args: surface_thickness: Denotes the overlap between the absorption function and the density function. """ super().__init__() self.surface_thickness = surface_thickness
[docs] def forward( self, rays_densities: torch.Tensor, rays_features: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-10, **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: rays_densities: Per-ray density values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, 1)` whose values range in [0, 1]. rays_features: Per-ray feature values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, feature_dim)`. eps: A lower bound added to `rays_densities` before computing the absorption function (cumprod of `1-rays_densities` along each ray). This prevents the cumprod to yield exact 0 which would inhibit any gradient-based learning. Returns: features_opacities: A tensor of shape `(..., feature_dim+1)` that concatenates two tensors along the last dimension: 1) features: A tensor of per-ray renders of shape `(..., feature_dim)`. 2) opacities: A tensor of per-ray opacity values of shape `(..., 1)`. Its values range between [0, 1] and denote the total amount of light that has been absorbed for each ray. E.g. a value of 0 corresponds to the ray completely passing through a volume. Please refer to the `AbsorptionOnlyRaymarcher` documentation for the explanation of the algorithm that computes `opacities`. """ _check_raymarcher_inputs( rays_densities, rays_features, None, z_can_be_none=True, features_can_be_none=False, density_1d=True, ) _check_density_bounds(rays_densities) rays_densities = rays_densities[..., 0] absorption = _shifted_cumprod( (1.0 + eps) - rays_densities, shift=self.surface_thickness ) weights = rays_densities * absorption features = (weights[..., None] * rays_features).sum(dim=-2) opacities = 1.0 - - rays_densities, dim=-1, keepdim=True) return, opacities), dim=-1)
[docs] class AbsorptionOnlyRaymarcher(torch.nn.Module): """ Raymarch using the Absorption-Only (AO) algorithm. The algorithm independently renders each ray by analyzing density and feature values sampled at (typically uniformly) spaced 3D locations along each ray. The density values `rays_densities` are of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, 1)`, their values should range between [0, 1], and represent the opaqueness of each point (the higher the less transparent). The algorithm only measures the total amount of light absorbed along each ray and, besides outputting per-ray `opacity` values of shape `(...,)`, does not produce any feature renderings. The algorithm simply computes `total_transmission = prod(1 - rays_densities)` of shape `(..., 1)` which, for each ray, measures the total amount of light that passed through the volume. It then returns `opacities = 1 - total_transmission`. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__()
[docs] def forward( self, rays_densities: torch.Tensor, **kwargs ) -> Union[None, torch.Tensor]: """ Args: rays_densities: Per-ray density values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray)` whose values range in [0, 1]. Returns: opacities: A tensor of per-ray opacity values of shape `(..., 1)`. Its values range between [0, 1] and denote the total amount of light that has been absorbed for each ray. E.g. a value of 0 corresponds to the ray completely passing through a volume. """ _check_raymarcher_inputs( rays_densities, None, None, features_can_be_none=True, z_can_be_none=True, density_1d=True, ) rays_densities = rays_densities[..., 0] _check_density_bounds(rays_densities) total_transmission = - rays_densities, dim=-1, keepdim=True) opacities = 1.0 - total_transmission return opacities
def _shifted_cumprod(x, shift: int = 1): """ Computes `torch.cumprod(x, dim=-1)` and prepends `shift` number of ones and removes `shift` trailing elements to/from the last dimension of the result. """ x_cumprod = torch.cumprod(x, dim=-1) x_cumprod_shift = [torch.ones_like(x_cumprod[..., :shift]), x_cumprod[..., :-shift]], dim=-1 ) return x_cumprod_shift def _check_density_bounds( rays_densities: torch.Tensor, bounds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 1.0) ) -> None: """ Checks whether the elements of `rays_densities` range within `bounds`. If not issues a warning. """ with torch.no_grad(): if (rays_densities.max() > bounds[1]) or (rays_densities.min() < bounds[0]): warnings.warn( "One or more elements of rays_densities are outside of valid" + f"range {str(bounds)}" ) def _check_raymarcher_inputs( rays_densities: torch.Tensor, rays_features: Optional[torch.Tensor], rays_z: Optional[torch.Tensor], features_can_be_none: bool = False, z_can_be_none: bool = False, density_1d: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Checks the validity of the inputs to raymarching algorithms. """ if not torch.is_tensor(rays_densities): raise ValueError("rays_densities has to be an instance of torch.Tensor.") if not z_can_be_none and not torch.is_tensor(rays_z): raise ValueError("rays_z has to be an instance of torch.Tensor.") if not features_can_be_none and not torch.is_tensor(rays_features): raise ValueError("rays_features has to be an instance of torch.Tensor.") if rays_densities.ndim < 1: raise ValueError("rays_densities have to have at least one dimension.") if density_1d and rays_densities.shape[-1] != 1: raise ValueError( "The size of the last dimension of rays_densities has to be one." + f" Got shape {rays_densities.shape}." ) rays_shape = rays_densities.shape[:-1] # pyre-fixme[16]: `Optional` has no attribute `shape`. if not z_can_be_none and rays_z.shape != rays_shape: raise ValueError("rays_z have to be of the same shape as rays_densities.") if not features_can_be_none and rays_features.shape[:-1] != rays_shape: raise ValueError( "The first to previous to last dimensions of rays_features" " have to be the same as all dimensions of rays_densities." )