Source code for pytorch3d.ops.sample_points_from_meshes

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

This module implements utility functions for sampling points from
batches of meshes.
import sys
from typing import Tuple, Union

import torch

from pytorch3d.ops.mesh_face_areas_normals import mesh_face_areas_normals

from pytorch3d.ops.packed_to_padded import packed_to_padded
from pytorch3d.renderer.mesh.rasterizer import Fragments as MeshFragments

[docs] def sample_points_from_meshes( meshes, num_samples: int = 10000, return_normals: bool = False, return_textures: bool = False, ) -> Union[ torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], ]: """ Convert a batch of meshes to a batch of pointclouds by uniformly sampling points on the surface of the mesh with probability proportional to the face area. Args: meshes: A Meshes object with a batch of N meshes. num_samples: Integer giving the number of point samples per mesh. return_normals: If True, return normals for the sampled points. return_textures: If True, return textures for the sampled points. Returns: 3-element tuple containing - **samples**: FloatTensor of shape (N, num_samples, 3) giving the coordinates of sampled points for each mesh in the batch. For empty meshes the corresponding row in the samples array will be filled with 0. - **normals**: FloatTensor of shape (N, num_samples, 3) giving a normal vector to each sampled point. Only returned if return_normals is True. For empty meshes the corresponding row in the normals array will be filled with 0. - **textures**: FloatTensor of shape (N, num_samples, C) giving a C-dimensional texture vector to each sampled point. Only returned if return_textures is True. For empty meshes the corresponding row in the textures array will be filled with 0. Note that in a future releases, we will replace the 3-element tuple output with a `Pointclouds` datastructure, as follows .. code-block:: python Pointclouds(samples, normals=normals, features=textures) """ if meshes.isempty(): raise ValueError("Meshes are empty.") verts = meshes.verts_packed() if not torch.isfinite(verts).all(): raise ValueError("Meshes contain nan or inf.") if return_textures and meshes.textures is None: raise ValueError("Meshes do not contain textures.") faces = meshes.faces_packed() mesh_to_face = meshes.mesh_to_faces_packed_first_idx() num_meshes = len(meshes) num_valid_meshes = torch.sum(meshes.valid) # Non empty meshes. # Initialize samples tensor with fill value 0 for empty meshes. samples = torch.zeros((num_meshes, num_samples, 3), device=meshes.device) # Only compute samples for non empty meshes with torch.no_grad(): areas, _ = mesh_face_areas_normals(verts, faces) # Face areas can be zero. max_faces = meshes.num_faces_per_mesh().max().item() areas_padded = packed_to_padded( areas, mesh_to_face[meshes.valid], max_faces ) # (N, F) # TODO (gkioxari) Confirm multinomial bug is not present with real data. sample_face_idxs = areas_padded.multinomial( num_samples, replacement=True ) # (N, num_samples) sample_face_idxs += mesh_to_face[meshes.valid].view(num_valid_meshes, 1) # Get the vertex coordinates of the sampled faces. face_verts = verts[faces] v0, v1, v2 = face_verts[:, 0], face_verts[:, 1], face_verts[:, 2] # Randomly generate barycentric coords. w0, w1, w2 = _rand_barycentric_coords( num_valid_meshes, num_samples, verts.dtype, verts.device ) # Use the barycentric coords to get a point on each sampled face. a = v0[sample_face_idxs] # (N, num_samples, 3) b = v1[sample_face_idxs] c = v2[sample_face_idxs] samples[meshes.valid] = w0[:, :, None] * a + w1[:, :, None] * b + w2[:, :, None] * c if return_normals: # Initialize normals tensor with fill value 0 for empty meshes. # Normals for the sampled points are face normals computed from # the vertices of the face in which the sampled point lies. normals = torch.zeros((num_meshes, num_samples, 3), device=meshes.device) vert_normals = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v1, dim=1) vert_normals = vert_normals / vert_normals.norm(dim=1, p=2, keepdim=True).clamp( min=sys.float_info.epsilon ) vert_normals = vert_normals[sample_face_idxs] normals[meshes.valid] = vert_normals if return_textures: # fragment data are of shape NxHxWxK. Here H=S, W=1 & K=1. pix_to_face = sample_face_idxs.view(len(meshes), num_samples, 1, 1) # NxSx1x1 bary = torch.stack((w0, w1, w2), dim=2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2) # NxSx1x1x3 # zbuf and dists are not used in `sample_textures` so we initialize them with dummy dummy = torch.zeros( (len(meshes), num_samples, 1, 1), device=meshes.device, dtype=torch.float32 ) # NxSx1x1 fragments = MeshFragments( pix_to_face=pix_to_face, zbuf=dummy, bary_coords=bary, dists=dummy ) textures = meshes.sample_textures(fragments) # NxSx1x1xC textures = textures[:, :, 0, 0, :] # NxSxC # return # TODO(gkioxari) consider returning a Pointclouds instance [breaking] if return_normals and return_textures: # pyre-fixme[61]: `normals` may not be initialized here. # pyre-fixme[61]: `textures` may not be initialized here. return samples, normals, textures if return_normals: # return_textures is False # pyre-fixme[61]: `normals` may not be initialized here. return samples, normals if return_textures: # return_normals is False # pyre-fixme[61]: `textures` may not be initialized here. return samples, textures return samples
def _rand_barycentric_coords( size1, size2, dtype: torch.dtype, device: torch.device ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Helper function to generate random barycentric coordinates which are uniformly distributed over a triangle. Args: size1, size2: The number of coordinates generated will be size1*size2. Output tensors will each be of shape (size1, size2). dtype: Datatype to generate. device: A torch.device object on which the outputs will be allocated. Returns: w0, w1, w2: Tensors of shape (size1, size2) giving random barycentric coordinates """ uv = torch.rand(2, size1, size2, dtype=dtype, device=device) u, v = uv[0], uv[1] u_sqrt = u.sqrt() w0 = 1.0 - u_sqrt w1 = u_sqrt * (1.0 - v) w2 = u_sqrt * v return w0, w1, w2