Source code for pytorch3d.ops.sample_farthest_points

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
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# pyre-unsafe

from random import randint
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from pytorch3d import _C

from .utils import masked_gather

[docs] def sample_farthest_points( points: torch.Tensor, lengths: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, K: Union[int, List, torch.Tensor] = 50, random_start_point: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Iterative farthest point sampling algorithm [1] to subsample a set of K points from a given pointcloud. At each iteration, a point is selected which has the largest nearest neighbor distance to any of the already selected points. Farthest point sampling provides more uniform coverage of the input point cloud compared to uniform random sampling. [1] Charles R. Qi et al, "PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space", NeurIPS 2017. Args: points: (N, P, D) array containing the batch of pointclouds lengths: (N,) number of points in each pointcloud (to support heterogeneous batches of pointclouds) K: samples required in each sampled point cloud (this is typically << P). If K is an int then the same number of samples are selected for each pointcloud in the batch. If K is a tensor is should be length (N,) giving the number of samples to select for each element in the batch random_start_point: bool, if True, a random point is selected as the starting point for iterative sampling. Returns: selected_points: (N, K, D), array of selected values from points. If the input K is a tensor, then the shape will be (N, max(K), D), and padded with 0.0 for batch elements where k_i < max(K). selected_indices: (N, K) array of selected indices. If the input K is a tensor, then the shape will be (N, max(K), D), and padded with -1 for batch elements where k_i < max(K). """ N, P, D = points.shape device = points.device # Validate inputs if lengths is None: lengths = torch.full((N,), P, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) else: if lengths.shape != (N,): raise ValueError("points and lengths must have same batch dimension.") if lengths.max() > P: raise ValueError("A value in lengths was too large.") # TODO: support providing K as a ratio of the total number of points instead of as an int if isinstance(K, int): K = torch.full((N,), K, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) elif isinstance(K, list): K = torch.tensor(K, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) if K.shape[0] != N: raise ValueError("K and points must have the same batch dimension") # Check dtypes are correct and convert if necessary if not (points.dtype == torch.float32): points = if not (lengths.dtype == torch.int64): lengths = if not (K.dtype == torch.int64): K = # Generate the starting indices for sampling start_idxs = torch.zeros_like(lengths) if random_start_point: for n in range(N): # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `int` but got `Tensor`. start_idxs[n] = torch.randint(high=lengths[n], size=(1,)).item() with torch.no_grad(): # pyre-fixme[16]: `pytorch3d_._C` has no attribute `sample_farthest_points`. idx = _C.sample_farthest_points(points, lengths, K, start_idxs) sampled_points = masked_gather(points, idx) return sampled_points, idx
def sample_farthest_points_naive( points: torch.Tensor, lengths: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, K: Union[int, List, torch.Tensor] = 50, random_start_point: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Same Args/Returns as sample_farthest_points """ N, P, D = points.shape device = points.device # Validate inputs if lengths is None: lengths = torch.full((N,), P, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) else: if lengths.shape != (N,): raise ValueError("points and lengths must have same batch dimension.") if lengths.max() > P: raise ValueError("Invalid lengths.") # TODO: support providing K as a ratio of the total number of points instead of as an int if isinstance(K, int): K = torch.full((N,), K, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) elif isinstance(K, list): K = torch.tensor(K, dtype=torch.int64, device=device) if K.shape[0] != N: raise ValueError("K and points must have the same batch dimension") # Find max value of K max_K = torch.max(K) # List of selected indices from each batch element all_sampled_indices = [] for n in range(N): # Initialize an array for the sampled indices, shape: (max_K,) sample_idx_batch = torch.full( # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `Union[List[int], Size, # typing.Tuple[int, ...]]` but got `Tuple[Tensor]`. (max_K,), fill_value=-1, dtype=torch.int64, device=device, ) # Initialize closest distances to inf, shape: (P,) # This will be updated at each iteration to track the closest distance of the # remaining points to any of the selected points closest_dists = points.new_full( # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `Union[List[int], Size, # typing.Tuple[int, ...]]` but got `Tuple[Tensor]`. (lengths[n],), float("inf"), dtype=torch.float32, ) # Select a random point index and save it as the starting point # pyre-fixme[6]: For 2nd argument expected `int` but got `Tensor`. selected_idx = randint(0, lengths[n] - 1) if random_start_point else 0 sample_idx_batch[0] = selected_idx # If the pointcloud has fewer than K points then only iterate over the min # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `SupportsRichComparisonT` but got # `Tensor`. # pyre-fixme[6]: For 2nd param expected `SupportsRichComparisonT` but got # `Tensor`. k_n = min(lengths[n], K[n]) # Iteratively select points for a maximum of k_n for i in range(1, k_n): # Find the distance between the last selected point # and all the other points. If a point has already been selected # it's distance will be 0.0 so it will not be selected again as the max. dist = points[n, selected_idx, :] - points[n, : lengths[n], :] # pyre-fixme[58]: `**` is not supported for operand types `Tensor` and # `int`. dist_to_last_selected = (dist**2).sum(-1) # (P - i) # If closer than currently saved distance to one of the selected # points, then updated closest_dists closest_dists = torch.min(dist_to_last_selected, closest_dists) # (P - i) # The aim is to pick the point that has the largest # nearest neighbour distance to any of the already selected points selected_idx = torch.argmax(closest_dists) sample_idx_batch[i] = selected_idx # Add the list of points for this batch to the final list all_sampled_indices.append(sample_idx_batch) all_sampled_indices = torch.stack(all_sampled_indices, dim=0) # Gather the points all_sampled_points = masked_gather(points, all_sampled_indices) # Return (N, max_K, D) subsampled points and indices return all_sampled_points, all_sampled_indices