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# pyre-unsafe
This file contains Efficient PnP algorithm for Perspective-n-Points problem.
It finds a camera position (defined by rotation `R` and translation `T`) that
minimizes re-projection error between the given 3D points `x` and
the corresponding uncalibrated 2D points `y`.
import warnings
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytorch3d.ops import points_alignment, utils as oputil
class EpnpSolution(NamedTuple):
x_cam: torch.Tensor
R: torch.Tensor
T: torch.Tensor
err_2d: torch.Tensor
err_3d: torch.Tensor
def _define_control_points(x, weight, storage_opts=None):
Returns control points that define barycentric coordinates
x: Batch of 3-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
storage_opts: dict of keyword arguments to the tensor constructor.
storage_opts = storage_opts or {}
x_mean = oputil.wmean(x, weight)
c_world = F.pad(torch.eye(3, **storage_opts), (0, 0, 0, 1), value=0.0).expand_as(
x[:, :4, :]
return c_world + x_mean
def _compute_alphas(x, c_world):
Computes barycentric coordinates of x in the frame c_world.
x: Batch of 3-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
c_world: control points in world coordinates.
x = F.pad(x, (0, 1), value=1.0)
c = F.pad(c_world, (0, 1), value=1.0)
return torch.matmul(x, torch.inverse(c)) # B x N x 4
def _build_M(y, alphas, weight):
"""Returns the matrix defining the reprojection equations.
y: projected points in camera coordinates of size B x N x 2
alphas: barycentric coordinates of size B x N x 4
weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
bs, n, _ = y.size()
# prepend t with the column of v's
def prepad(t, v):
return F.pad(t, (1, 0), value=v)
if weight is not None:
# weight the alphas in order to get a correctly weighted version of M
alphas = alphas * weight[:, :, None]
# outer left-multiply by alphas
def lm_alphas(t):
return torch.matmul(alphas[..., None], t).reshape(bs, n, 12)
M = torch.cat(
prepad(prepad(-y[:, :, 0, None, None], 0.0), 1.0)
), # u constraints
prepad(prepad(-y[:, :, 1, None, None], 1.0), 0.0)
), # v constraints
).reshape(bs, -1, 12)
return M
def _null_space(m, kernel_dim):
"""Finds the null space (kernel) basis of the matrix
m: the batch of input matrices, B x N x 12
kernel_dim: number of dimensions to approximate the kernel
* a batch of null space basis vectors
of size B x 4 x 3 x kernel_dim
* a batch of spectral values where near-0s correspond to actual
kernel vectors, of size B x kernel_dim
mTm = torch.bmm(m.transpose(1, 2), m)
s, v = torch.linalg.eigh(mTm)
return v[:, :, :kernel_dim].reshape(-1, 4, 3, kernel_dim), s[:, :kernel_dim]
def _reproj_error(y_hat, y, weight, eps=1e-9):
"""Projects estimated 3D points and computes the reprojection error
y_hat: a batch of predicted 2D points in homogeneous coordinates
y: a batch of ground-truth 2D points
weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
Optionally weighted RMSE of difference between y and y_hat.
y_hat = y_hat / torch.clamp(y_hat[..., 2:], eps)
dist = ((y - y_hat[..., :2]) ** 2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) ** 0.5
return oputil.wmean(dist, weight)[:, 0, 0]
def _algebraic_error(x_w_rotated, x_cam, weight):
"""Computes the residual of Umeyama in 3D.
x_w_rotated: The given 3D points rotated with the predicted camera.
x_cam: the lifted 2D points y
weight: Batch of non-negative weights of
shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
Optionally weighted MSE of difference between x_w_rotated and x_cam.
dist = ((x_w_rotated - x_cam) ** 2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
return oputil.wmean(dist, weight)[:, 0, 0]
def _compute_norm_sign_scaling_factor(c_cam, alphas, x_world, y, weight, eps=1e-9):
"""Given a solution, adjusts the scale and flip
c_cam: control points in camera coordinates
alphas: barycentric coordinates of the points
x_world: Batch of 3-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
y: Batch of 2-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 2)`.
weights: Batch of non-negative weights of
shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
eps: epsilon to threshold negative `z` values
# position of reference points in camera coordinates
x_cam = torch.matmul(alphas, c_cam)
x_cam = x_cam * (1.0 - 2.0 * (oputil.wmean(x_cam[..., 2:], weight) < 0).float())
if torch.any(x_cam[..., 2:] < -eps):
neg_rate = oputil.wmean((x_cam[..., 2:] < 0).float(), weight, dim=(0, 1)).item()
warnings.warn("\nEPnP: %2.2f%% points have z<0." % (neg_rate * 100.0))
R, T, s = points_alignment.corresponding_points_alignment(
x_world, x_cam, weight, estimate_scale=True
s = s.clamp(eps)
x_cam = x_cam / s[:, None, None]
T = T / s[:, None]
x_w_rotated = torch.matmul(x_world, R) + T[:, None, :]
err_2d = _reproj_error(x_w_rotated, y, weight)
err_3d = _algebraic_error(x_w_rotated, x_cam, weight)
return EpnpSolution(x_cam, R, T, err_2d, err_3d)
def _gen_pairs(input, dim=-2, reducer=lambda a, b: ((a - b) ** 2).sum(dim=-1)):
"""Generates all pairs of different rows and then applies the reducer
input: a tensor
dim: a dimension to generate pairs across
reducer: a function of generated pair of rows to apply (beyond just concat)
for default args, for A x B x C input, will output A x (B choose 2)
n = input.size()[dim]
range = torch.arange(n)
idx = torch.combinations(range).to(input).long()
left = input.index_select(dim, idx[:, 0])
right = input.index_select(dim, idx[:, 1])
return reducer(left, right)
def _kernel_vec_distances(v):
"""Computes the coefficients for linearization of the quadratic system
to match all pairwise distances between 4 control points (dim=1).
The last dimension corresponds to the coefficients for quadratic terms
Bij = Bi * Bj, where Bi and Bj correspond to kernel vectors.
v: tensor of B x 4 x 3 x D, where D is dim(kernel), usually 4
a tensor of B x 6 x [(D choose 2) + D];
for D=4, the last dim means [B11 B22 B33 B44 B12 B13 B14 B23 B24 B34].
dv = _gen_pairs(v, dim=-3, reducer=lambda a, b: a - b) # B x 6 x 3 x D
# we should take dot-product of all (i,j), i < j, with coeff 2
rows_2ij = 2.0 * _gen_pairs(dv, dim=-1, reducer=lambda a, b: (a * b).sum(dim=-2))
# this should produce B x 6 x (D choose 2) tensor
# we should take dot-product of all (i,i)
rows_ii = (dv**2).sum(dim=-2)
# this should produce B x 6 x D tensor
return torch.cat((rows_ii, rows_2ij), dim=-1)
def _solve_lstsq_subcols(rhs, lhs, lhs_col_idx):
"""Solves an over-determined linear system for selected LHS columns.
A batched version of `torch.lstsq`.
rhs: right-hand side vectors
lhs: left-hand side matrices
lhs_col_idx: a slice of columns in lhs
a least-squares solution for lhs * X = rhs
lhs = lhs.index_select(-1, torch.tensor(lhs_col_idx, device=lhs.device).long())
return torch.matmul(torch.pinverse(lhs), rhs[:, :, None])
def _binary_sign(t):
return (t >= 0).to(t) * 2.0 - 1.0
def _find_null_space_coords_1(kernel_dsts, cw_dst, eps=1e-9):
"""Solves case 1 from the paper [1]; solve for 4 coefficients:
[B11 B22 B33 B44 B12 B13 B14 B23 B24 B34]
^ ^ ^ ^
kernel_dsts: distances between kernel vectors
cw_dst: distances between control points
coefficients to weight kernel vectors
[1] Moreno-Noguer, F., Lepetit, V., & Fua, P. (2009).
EPnP: An Accurate O(n) solution to the PnP problem.
International Journal of Computer Vision.
beta = _solve_lstsq_subcols(cw_dst, kernel_dsts, [0, 4, 5, 6])
beta = beta * _binary_sign(beta[:, :1, :])
return beta / torch.clamp(beta[:, :1, :] ** 0.5, eps)
def _find_null_space_coords_2(kernel_dsts, cw_dst):
"""Solves case 2 from the paper; solve for 3 coefficients:
[B11 B22 B33 B44 B12 B13 B14 B23 B24 B34]
^ ^ ^
kernel_dsts: distances between kernel vectors
cw_dst: distances between control points
coefficients to weight kernel vectors
[1] Moreno-Noguer, F., Lepetit, V., & Fua, P. (2009).
EPnP: An Accurate O(n) solution to the PnP problem.
International Journal of Computer Vision.
beta = _solve_lstsq_subcols(cw_dst, kernel_dsts, [0, 4, 1])
coord_0 = (beta[:, :1, :].abs() ** 0.5) * _binary_sign(beta[:, 1:2, :])
coord_1 = (beta[:, 2:3, :].abs() ** 0.5) * (
(beta[:, :1, :] >= 0) == (beta[:, 2:3, :] >= 0)
return torch.cat((coord_0, coord_1, torch.zeros_like(beta[:, :2, :])), dim=1)
def _find_null_space_coords_3(kernel_dsts, cw_dst, eps=1e-9):
"""Solves case 3 from the paper; solve for 5 coefficients:
[B11 B22 B33 B44 B12 B13 B14 B23 B24 B34]
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
kernel_dsts: distances between kernel vectors
cw_dst: distances between control points
coefficients to weight kernel vectors
[1] Moreno-Noguer, F., Lepetit, V., & Fua, P. (2009).
EPnP: An Accurate O(n) solution to the PnP problem.
International Journal of Computer Vision.
beta = _solve_lstsq_subcols(cw_dst, kernel_dsts, [0, 4, 1, 5, 7])
coord_0 = (beta[:, :1, :].abs() ** 0.5) * _binary_sign(beta[:, 1:2, :])
coord_1 = (beta[:, 2:3, :].abs() ** 0.5) * (
(beta[:, :1, :] >= 0) == (beta[:, 2:3, :] >= 0)
coord_2 = beta[:, 3:4, :] / torch.clamp(coord_0[:, :1, :], eps)
return torch.cat(
(coord_0, coord_1, coord_2, torch.zeros_like(beta[:, :1, :])), dim=1
def efficient_pnp(
x: torch.Tensor,
y: torch.Tensor,
weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
skip_quadratic_eq: bool = False,
) -> EpnpSolution:
Implements Efficient PnP algorithm [1] for Perspective-n-Points problem:
finds a camera position (defined by rotation `R` and translation `T`) that
minimizes re-projection error between the given 3D points `x` and
the corresponding uncalibrated 2D points `y`, i.e. solves
`y[i] = Proj(x[i] R[i] + T[i])`
in the least-squares sense, where `i` are indices within the batch, and
`Proj` is the perspective projection operator: `Proj([x y z]) = [x/z y/z]`.
In the noise-less case, 4 points are enough to find the solution as long
as they are not co-planar.
x: Batch of 3-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
y: Batch of 2-dimensional points of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 2)`.
weights: Batch of non-negative weights of
shape `(minibatch, num_point)`. `None` means equal weights.
skip_quadratic_eq: If True, assumes the solution space for the
linear system is one-dimensional, i.e. takes the scaled eigenvector
that corresponds to the smallest eigenvalue as a solution.
If False, finds the candidate coordinates in the potentially
4D null space by approximately solving the systems of quadratic
equations. The best candidate is chosen by examining the 2D
re-projection error. While this option finds a better solution,
especially when the number of points is small or perspective
distortions are low (the points are far away), it may be more
difficult to back-propagate through.
`EpnpSolution` namedtuple containing elements:
**x_cam**: Batch of transformed points `x` that is used to find
the camera parameters, of shape `(minibatch, num_points, 3)`.
In the general (noisy) case, they are not exactly equal to
`x[i] R[i] + T[i]` but are some affine transform of `x[i]`s.
**R**: Batch of rotation matrices of shape `(minibatch, 3, 3)`.
**T**: Batch of translation vectors of shape `(minibatch, 3)`.
**err_2d**: Batch of mean 2D re-projection errors of shape
`(minibatch,)`. Specifically, if `yhat` is the re-projection for
the `i`-th batch element, it returns `sum_j norm(yhat_j - y_j)`
where `j` iterates over points and `norm` denotes the L2 norm.
**err_3d**: Batch of mean algebraic errors of shape `(minibatch,)`.
Specifically, those are squared distances between `x_world` and
estimated points on the rays defined by `y`.
[1] Moreno-Noguer, F., Lepetit, V., & Fua, P. (2009).
EPnP: An Accurate O(n) solution to the PnP problem.
International Journal of Computer Vision.
# define control points in a world coordinate system (centered on the 3d
# points centroid); 4 x 3
# TODO: more stable when initialised with the center and eigenvectors!
c_world = _define_control_points(
x.detach(), weights, storage_opts={"dtype": x.dtype, "device": x.device}
# find the linear combination of the control points to represent the 3d points
alphas = _compute_alphas(x, c_world)
M = _build_M(y, alphas, weights)
# Compute kernel M
kernel, spectrum = _null_space(M, 4)
c_world_distances = _gen_pairs(c_world)
kernel_dsts = _kernel_vec_distances(kernel)
betas = (
if skip_quadratic_eq
else [
fnsc(kernel_dsts, c_world_distances)
for fnsc in [
c_cam_variants = [kernel] + [
torch.matmul(kernel, beta[:, None, :, :]) for beta in betas
solutions = [
_compute_norm_sign_scaling_factor(c_cam[..., 0], alphas, x, y, weights)
for c_cam in c_cam_variants
sol_zipped = EpnpSolution(*(torch.stack(list(col)) for col in zip(*solutions)))
best = torch.argmin(sol_zipped.err_2d, dim=0)
def gather1d(source, idx):
# reduces the dim=1 by picking the slices in a 1D tensor idx
# in other words, it is batched index_select.
return source.gather(
idx.reshape(1, -1, *([1] * (len(source.shape) - 2))).expand_as(source[:1]),
return EpnpSolution(*[gather1d(sol_col, best) for sol_col in sol_zipped])