Source code for pytorch3d.loss.chamfer

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from typing import Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytorch3d.ops.knn import knn_gather, knn_points
from pytorch3d.structures.pointclouds import Pointclouds

def _validate_chamfer_reduction_inputs(
    batch_reduction: Union[str, None], point_reduction: Union[str, None]
) -> None:
    """Check the requested reductions are valid.

        batch_reduction: Reduction operation to apply for the loss across the
            batch, can be one of ["mean", "sum"] or None.
        point_reduction: Reduction operation to apply for the loss across the
            points, can be one of ["mean", "sum"] or None.
    if batch_reduction is not None and batch_reduction not in ["mean", "sum"]:
        raise ValueError('batch_reduction must be one of ["mean", "sum"] or None')
    if point_reduction is not None and point_reduction not in ["mean", "sum"]:
        raise ValueError('point_reduction must be one of ["mean", "sum"] or None')
    if point_reduction is None and batch_reduction is not None:
        raise ValueError("Batch reduction must be None if point_reduction is None")

def _handle_pointcloud_input(
    points: Union[torch.Tensor, Pointclouds],
    lengths: Union[torch.Tensor, None],
    normals: Union[torch.Tensor, None],
    If points is an instance of Pointclouds, retrieve the padded points tensor
    along with the number of points per batch and the padded normals.
    Otherwise, return the input points (and normals) with the number of points per cloud
    set to the size of the second dimension of `points`.
    if isinstance(points, Pointclouds):
        X = points.points_padded()
        lengths = points.num_points_per_cloud()
        normals = points.normals_padded()  # either a tensor or None
    elif torch.is_tensor(points):
        if points.ndim != 3:
            raise ValueError("Expected points to be of shape (N, P, D)")
        X = points
        if lengths is not None:
            if lengths.ndim != 1 or lengths.shape[0] != X.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError("Expected lengths to be of shape (N,)")
            if lengths.max() > X.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError("A length value was too long")
        if lengths is None:
            lengths = torch.full(
                (X.shape[0],), X.shape[1], dtype=torch.int64, device=points.device
        if normals is not None and normals.ndim != 3:
            raise ValueError("Expected normals to be of shape (N, P, 3")
        raise ValueError(
            "The input pointclouds should be either "
            + "Pointclouds objects or torch.Tensor of shape "
            + "(minibatch, num_points, 3)."
    return X, lengths, normals

def _chamfer_distance_single_direction(
    batch_reduction: Union[str, None],
    point_reduction: Union[str, None],
    norm: int,
    abs_cosine: bool,
    return_normals = x_normals is not None and y_normals is not None

    N, P1, D = x.shape

    # Check if inputs are heterogeneous and create a lengths mask.
    is_x_heterogeneous = (x_lengths != P1).any()
    x_mask = (
        torch.arange(P1, device=x.device)[None] >= x_lengths[:, None]
    )  # shape [N, P1]
    if y.shape[0] != N or y.shape[2] != D:
        raise ValueError("y does not have the correct shape.")
    if weights is not None:
        if weights.size(0) != N:
            raise ValueError("weights must be of shape (N,).")
        if not (weights >= 0).all():
            raise ValueError("weights cannot be negative.")
        if weights.sum() == 0.0:
            weights = weights.view(N, 1)
            if batch_reduction in ["mean", "sum"]:
                return (
                    (x.sum((1, 2)) * weights).sum() * 0.0,
                    (x.sum((1, 2)) * weights).sum() * 0.0,
            return ((x.sum((1, 2)) * weights) * 0.0, (x.sum((1, 2)) * weights) * 0.0)

    cham_norm_x = x.new_zeros(())

    x_nn = knn_points(x, y, lengths1=x_lengths, lengths2=y_lengths, norm=norm, K=1)
    cham_x = x_nn.dists[..., 0]  # (N, P1)

    if is_x_heterogeneous:
        cham_x[x_mask] = 0.0

    if weights is not None:
        cham_x *= weights.view(N, 1)

    if return_normals:
        # Gather the normals using the indices and keep only value for k=0
        x_normals_near = knn_gather(y_normals, x_nn.idx, y_lengths)[..., 0, :]

        cosine_sim = F.cosine_similarity(x_normals, x_normals_near, dim=2, eps=1e-6)
        # If abs_cosine, ignore orientation and take the absolute value of the cosine sim.
        cham_norm_x = 1 - (torch.abs(cosine_sim) if abs_cosine else cosine_sim)

        if is_x_heterogeneous:
            cham_norm_x[x_mask] = 0.0

        if weights is not None:
            cham_norm_x *= weights.view(N, 1)

    if point_reduction is not None:
        # Apply point reduction
        cham_x = cham_x.sum(1)  # (N,)
        if return_normals:
            cham_norm_x = cham_norm_x.sum(1)  # (N,)
        if point_reduction == "mean":
            x_lengths_clamped = x_lengths.clamp(min=1)
            cham_x /= x_lengths_clamped
            if return_normals:
                cham_norm_x /= x_lengths_clamped

        if batch_reduction is not None:
            # batch_reduction == "sum"
            cham_x = cham_x.sum()
            if return_normals:
                cham_norm_x = cham_norm_x.sum()
            if batch_reduction == "mean":
                div = weights.sum() if weights is not None else max(N, 1)
                cham_x /= div
                if return_normals:
                    cham_norm_x /= div

    cham_dist = cham_x
    cham_normals = cham_norm_x if return_normals else None
    return cham_dist, cham_normals

[docs] def chamfer_distance( x, y, x_lengths=None, y_lengths=None, x_normals=None, y_normals=None, weights=None, batch_reduction: Union[str, None] = "mean", point_reduction: Union[str, None] = "mean", norm: int = 2, single_directional: bool = False, abs_cosine: bool = True, ): """ Chamfer distance between two pointclouds x and y. Args: x: FloatTensor of shape (N, P1, D) or a Pointclouds object representing a batch of point clouds with at most P1 points in each batch element, batch size N and feature dimension D. y: FloatTensor of shape (N, P2, D) or a Pointclouds object representing a batch of point clouds with at most P2 points in each batch element, batch size N and feature dimension D. x_lengths: Optional LongTensor of shape (N,) giving the number of points in each cloud in x. y_lengths: Optional LongTensor of shape (N,) giving the number of points in each cloud in y. x_normals: Optional FloatTensor of shape (N, P1, D). y_normals: Optional FloatTensor of shape (N, P2, D). weights: Optional FloatTensor of shape (N,) giving weights for batch elements for reduction operation. batch_reduction: Reduction operation to apply for the loss across the batch, can be one of ["mean", "sum"] or None. point_reduction: Reduction operation to apply for the loss across the points, can be one of ["mean", "sum"] or None. norm: int indicates the norm used for the distance. Supports 1 for L1 and 2 for L2. single_directional: If False (default), loss comes from both the distance between each point in x and its nearest neighbor in y and each point in y and its nearest neighbor in x. If True, loss is the distance between each point in x and its nearest neighbor in y. abs_cosine: If False, loss_normals is from one minus the cosine similarity. If True (default), loss_normals is from one minus the absolute value of the cosine similarity, which means that exactly opposite normals are considered equivalent to exactly matching normals, i.e. sign does not matter. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **loss**: Tensor giving the reduced distance between the pointclouds in x and the pointclouds in y. If point_reduction is None, a 2-element tuple of Tensors containing forward and backward loss terms shaped (N, P1) and (N, P2) (if single_directional is False) or a Tensor containing loss terms shaped (N, P1) (if single_directional is True) is returned. - **loss_normals**: Tensor giving the reduced cosine distance of normals between pointclouds in x and pointclouds in y. Returns None if x_normals and y_normals are None. If point_reduction is None, a 2-element tuple of Tensors containing forward and backward loss terms shaped (N, P1) and (N, P2) (if single_directional is False) or a Tensor containing loss terms shaped (N, P1) (if single_directional is True) is returned. """ _validate_chamfer_reduction_inputs(batch_reduction, point_reduction) if not ((norm == 1) or (norm == 2)): raise ValueError("Support for 1 or 2 norm.") x, x_lengths, x_normals = _handle_pointcloud_input(x, x_lengths, x_normals) y, y_lengths, y_normals = _handle_pointcloud_input(y, y_lengths, y_normals) cham_x, cham_norm_x = _chamfer_distance_single_direction( x, y, x_lengths, y_lengths, x_normals, y_normals, weights, batch_reduction, point_reduction, norm, abs_cosine, ) if single_directional: return cham_x, cham_norm_x else: cham_y, cham_norm_y = _chamfer_distance_single_direction( y, x, y_lengths, x_lengths, y_normals, x_normals, weights, batch_reduction, point_reduction, norm, abs_cosine, ) if point_reduction is not None: return ( cham_x + cham_y, (cham_norm_x + cham_norm_y) if cham_norm_x is not None else None, ) return ( (cham_x, cham_y), (cham_norm_x, cham_norm_y) if cham_norm_x is not None else None, )