Source code for

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

import math
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import pytorch3d

import torch
from pytorch3d.ops import packed_to_padded
from pytorch3d.renderer import PerspectiveCameras
from pytorch3d.structures import Pointclouds

from .point_cloud_utils import render_point_cloud_pytorch3d

[docs] @torch.no_grad() def rasterize_sparse_ray_bundle( ray_bundle: "pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.base.ImplicitronRayBundle", features: torch.Tensor, image_size_hw: Tuple[int, int], depth: torch.Tensor, masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Rasterizes sparse features corresponding to the coordinates defined by the rays in the bundle. Args: ray_bundle: ray bundle object with B x ... x 2 pixel coordinates, it can be packed. features: B x ... x C tensor containing per-point rendered features. image_size_hw: Tuple[image_height, image_width] containing the size of rasterized image. depth: B x ... x 1 tensor containing per-point rendered depth. masks: B x ... x 1 tensor containing the alpha mask of the rendered features. Returns: - image_render: B x C x H x W tensor of rasterized features - depths_render: B x 1 x H x W tensor of rasterized depth maps - masks_render: B x 1 x H x W tensor of opacities after splatting """ # Flatten the features and xy locations. features_depth_ras = (features.flatten(1, -2), depth.flatten(1, -2)), dim=-1 ) xys = ray_bundle.xys masks_ras = None if ray_bundle.is_packed(): camera_counts = ray_bundle.camera_counts assert camera_counts is not None xys, first_idxs, _ = ray_bundle.get_padded_xys() masks_ras = ( torch.arange(xys.shape[1], device=xys.device)[:, None] < camera_counts[:, None, None] ) max_size = torch.max(camera_counts).item() features_depth_ras = packed_to_padded( features_depth_ras[:, 0], first_idxs, max_size ) if masks is not None: padded_mask = packed_to_padded(masks.flatten(1, -1), first_idxs, max_size) masks_ras = padded_mask * masks_ras xys_ras = xys.flatten(1, -2) if masks_ras is None: assert not ray_bundle.is_packed() masks_ras = masks.flatten(1, -2) if masks is not None else None if min(*image_size_hw) <= 0: raise ValueError( "Need to specify a positive output_size_hw for bundle rasterisation." ) # Estimate the rasterization point radius so that we approximately fill # the whole image given the number of rasterized points. pt_radius = 2.0 / math.sqrt(xys.shape[1]) # Rasterize the samples. features_depth_render, masks_render = rasterize_mc_samples( xys_ras, features_depth_ras, image_size_hw, radius=pt_radius, masks=masks_ras, ) images_render = features_depth_render[:, :-1] depths_render = features_depth_render[:, -1:] return images_render, depths_render, masks_render
[docs] def rasterize_mc_samples( xys: torch.Tensor, feats: torch.Tensor, image_size_hw: Tuple[int, int], radius: float = 0.03, topk: int = 5, masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Rasterizes Monte-Carlo sampled features back onto the image. Specifically, the code uses the PyTorch3D point rasterizer to render a z-flat point cloud composed of the xy MC locations and their features. Args: xys: B x N x 2 2D point locations in PyTorch3D NDC convention feats: B x N x dim tensor containing per-point rendered features. image_size_hw: Tuple[image_height, image_width] containing the size of rasterized image. radius: Rasterization point radius. topk: The maximum z-buffer size for the PyTorch3D point cloud rasterizer. masks: B x N x 1 tensor containing the alpha mask of the rendered features. """ if masks is None: masks = torch.ones_like(xys[..., :1]) feats =, masks), dim=-1) pointclouds = Pointclouds([xys, torch.ones_like(xys[..., :1])], dim=-1), features=feats, ) data_rendered, render_mask, _ = render_point_cloud_pytorch3d( PerspectiveCameras(device=feats.device), pointclouds, render_size=image_size_hw, point_radius=radius, topk=topk, ) data_rendered, masks_pt = data_rendered.split( [data_rendered.shape[1] - 1, 1], dim=1 ) render_mask = masks_pt * render_mask return data_rendered, render_mask