Source code for

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
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# pyre-unsafe

# TODO: all this potentially goes to PyTorch3D

import math
from typing import Tuple

import pytorch3d as pt3d
import torch
from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase

[docs] def jitter_extrinsics( R: torch.Tensor, T: torch.Tensor, max_angle: float = (math.pi * 2.0), translation_std: float = 1.0, scale_std: float = 0.3, ): """ Jitter the extrinsic camera parameters `R` and `T` with a random similarity transformation. The transformation rotates by a random angle between [0, max_angle]; scales by a random factor exp(N(0, scale_std)), where N(0, scale_std) is a random sample from a normal distrubtion with zero mean and variance scale_std; and translates by a 3D offset sampled from N(0, translation_std). """ assert all(x >= 0.0 for x in (max_angle, translation_std, scale_std)) N = R.shape[0] R_jit = pt3d.transforms.random_rotations(1, device=R.device) R_jit = pt3d.transforms.so3_exponential_map( pt3d.transforms.so3_log_map(R_jit) * max_angle ) T_jit = torch.randn_like(R_jit[:1, :, 0]) * translation_std rigid_transform = pt3d.ops.eyes(dim=4, N=N, device=R.device) rigid_transform[:, :3, :3] = R_jit.expand(N, 3, 3) rigid_transform[:, 3, :3] = T_jit.expand(N, 3) scale_jit = torch.exp(torch.randn_like(T_jit[:, 0]) * scale_std).expand(N) return apply_camera_alignment(R, T, rigid_transform, scale_jit)
[docs] def apply_camera_alignment( R: torch.Tensor, T: torch.Tensor, rigid_transform: torch.Tensor, scale: torch.Tensor, ): """ Args: R: Camera rotation matrix of shape (N, 3, 3). T: Camera translation of shape (N, 3). rigid_transform: A tensor of shape (N, 4, 4) representing a batch of N 4x4 tensors that map the scene pointcloud from misaligned coords to the aligned space. scale: A list of N scaling factors. A tensor of shape (N,) Returns: R_aligned: The aligned rotations R. T_aligned: The aligned translations T. """ R_rigid = rigid_transform[:, :3, :3] T_rigid = rigid_transform[:, 3:, :3] R_aligned = R_rigid.permute(0, 2, 1).bmm(R) T_aligned = scale[:, None] * (T - (T_rigid @ R_aligned)[:, 0]) return R_aligned, T_aligned
[docs] def get_min_max_depth_bounds(cameras, scene_center, scene_extent): """ Estimate near/far depth plane as: near = dist(cam_center, self.scene_center) - self.scene_extent far = dist(cam_center, self.scene_center) + self.scene_extent """ cam_center = cameras.get_camera_center() center_dist = ( ((cam_center -[None]) ** 2) .sum(dim=-1) .clamp(0.001) .sqrt() ) center_dist = center_dist.clamp(scene_extent + 1e-3) min_depth = center_dist - scene_extent max_depth = center_dist + scene_extent return min_depth, max_depth
[docs] def volumetric_camera_overlaps( cameras: CamerasBase, scene_extent: float = 8.0, scene_center: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), resol: int = 16, weigh_by_ray_angle: bool = True, ): """ Compute the overlaps between viewing frustrums of all pairs of cameras in `cameras`. """ device = cameras.device ba = cameras.R.shape[0] n_vox = int(resol**3) grid = pt3d.structures.Volumes( densities=torch.zeros([1, 1, resol, resol, resol], device=device), volume_translation=-torch.FloatTensor(scene_center)[None].to(device), voxel_size=2.0 * scene_extent / resol, ).get_coord_grid(world_coordinates=True) grid = grid.view(1, n_vox, 3).expand(ba, n_vox, 3) gridp = cameras.transform_points(grid, eps=1e-2) proj_in_camera = ([..., :2].abs() <= 1.0), dim=-1) * (gridp[..., 2] > 0.0).float() ) # ba x n_vox if weigh_by_ray_angle: rays = torch.nn.functional.normalize( grid - cameras.get_camera_center()[:, None], dim=-1 ) rays_masked = rays * proj_in_camera[..., None] # - slow and readable: # inter = torch.zeros(ba, ba) # for i1 in range(ba): # for i2 in range(ba): # inter[i1, i2] = ( # 1 + (rays_masked[i1] * rays_masked[i2] # ).sum(dim=-1)).sum() # - fast: rays_masked = rays_masked.view(ba, n_vox * 3) inter = n_vox + (rays_masked @ rays_masked.t()) else: inter = proj_in_camera @ proj_in_camera.t() mass = torch.diag(inter) iou = inter / (mass[:, None] + mass[None, :] - inter).clamp(0.1) return iou