Source code for pytorch3d.implicitron.models.view_pooler.view_sampler

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from import Configurable
from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase
from pytorch3d.renderer.utils import ndc_grid_sample

[docs] class ViewSampler(Configurable, torch.nn.Module): """ Implements sampling of image-based features at the 2d projections of a set of 3D points. Args: masked_sampling: If `True`, the `sampled_masks` output of `self.forward` contains the input `masks` sampled at the 2d projections. Otherwise, all entries of `sampled_masks` are set to 1. sampling_mode: Controls the mode of the `torch.nn.functional.grid_sample` function used to interpolate the sampled feature tensors at the locations of the 2d projections. """ masked_sampling: bool = False sampling_mode: str = "bilinear"
[docs] def forward( self, *, # force kw args pts: torch.Tensor, seq_id_pts: Union[List[int], List[str], torch.LongTensor], camera: CamerasBase, seq_id_camera: Union[List[int], List[str], torch.LongTensor], feats: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], masks: Optional[torch.Tensor], **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ Project each point cloud from a batch of point clouds to corresponding input cameras and sample features at the 2D projection locations. Args: pts: A tensor of shape `[pts_batch x n_pts x 3]` in world coords. seq_id_pts: LongTensor of shape `[pts_batch]` denoting the ids of the scenes from which `pts` were extracted, or a list of string names. camera: 'n_cameras' cameras, each coresponding to a batch element of `feats`. seq_id_camera: LongTensor of shape `[n_cameras]` denoting the ids of the scenes corresponding to cameras in `camera`, or a list of string names. feats: a dict of tensors of per-image features `{feat_i: T_i}`. Each tensor `T_i` is of shape `[n_cameras x dim_i x H_i x W_i]`. masks: `[n_cameras x 1 x H x W]`, define valid image regions for sampling `feats`. Returns: sampled_feats: Dict of sampled features `{feat_i: sampled_T_i}`. Each `sampled_T_i` of shape `[pts_batch, n_cameras, n_pts, dim_i]`. sampled_masks: A tensor with mask of the sampled features of shape `(pts_batch, n_cameras, n_pts, 1)`. """ # convert sequence ids to long tensors seq_id_pts, seq_id_camera = [ handle_seq_id(seq_id, pts.device) for seq_id in [seq_id_pts, seq_id_camera] ] if self.masked_sampling and masks is None: raise ValueError( "Masks have to be provided for `self.masked_sampling==True`" ) # project pts to all cameras and sample feats from the locations of # the 2D projections sampled_feats_all_cams, sampled_masks_all_cams = project_points_and_sample( pts, feats, camera, masks if self.masked_sampling else None, sampling_mode=self.sampling_mode, ) # generate the mask that invalidates features sampled from # non-corresponding cameras camera_pts_mask = (seq_id_camera[None] == seq_id_pts[:, None])[ ..., None, None ].to(pts) # mask the sampled features and masks sampled_feats = { k: f * camera_pts_mask for k, f in sampled_feats_all_cams.items() } sampled_masks = sampled_masks_all_cams * camera_pts_mask return sampled_feats, sampled_masks
[docs] def project_points_and_sample( pts: torch.Tensor, feats: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], camera: CamerasBase, masks: Optional[torch.Tensor], eps: float = 1e-2, sampling_mode: str = "bilinear", ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """ Project each point cloud from a batch of point clouds to all input cameras and sample features at the 2D projection locations. Args: pts: `(pts_batch, n_pts, 3)` tensor containing a batch of 3D point clouds. feats: A dict `{feat_i: feat_T_i}` of features to sample, where each `feat_T_i` is a tensor of shape `(n_cameras, feat_i_dim, feat_i_H, feat_i_W)` of `feat_i_dim`-dimensional features extracted from `n_cameras` source views. camera: A batch of `n_cameras` cameras corresponding to their feature tensors `feat_T_i` from `feats`. masks: A tensor of shape `(n_cameras, 1, mask_H, mask_W)` denoting valid locations for sampling. eps: A small constant controlling the minimum depth of projections of `pts` to avoid divisons by zero in the projection operation. sampling_mode: Sampling mode of the grid sampler. Returns: sampled_feats: Dict of sampled features `{feat_i: sampled_T_i}`. Each `sampled_T_i` is of shape `(pts_batch, n_cameras, n_pts, feat_i_dim)`. sampled_masks: A tensor with the mask of the sampled features of shape `(pts_batch, n_cameras, n_pts, 1)`. If `masks` is `None`, the returned `sampled_masks` will be filled with 1s. """ n_cameras = camera.R.shape[0] pts_batch = pts.shape[0] n_pts = pts.shape[1:-1] camera_rep, pts_rep = cameras_points_cartesian_product(camera, pts) # The eps here is super-important to avoid NaNs in backprop! proj_rep = camera_rep.transform_points( pts_rep.reshape(n_cameras * pts_batch, -1, 3), eps=eps )[..., :2] # [ pts1 in cam1, pts2 in cam1, pts3 in cam1, # pts1 in cam2, pts2 in cam2, pts3 in cam2, # pts1 in cam3, pts2 in cam3, pts3 in cam3 ] # reshape for the grid sampler sampling_grid_ndc = proj_rep.view(n_cameras, pts_batch, -1, 2) # [ [pts1 in cam1, pts2 in cam1, pts3 in cam1], # [pts1 in cam2, pts2 in cam2, pts3 in cam2], # [pts1 in cam3, pts2 in cam3, pts3 in cam3] ] # n_cameras x pts_batch x n_pts x 2 # sample both feats feats_sampled = { k: ndc_grid_sample( f, sampling_grid_ndc, mode=sampling_mode, align_corners=False, ) .permute(2, 0, 3, 1) .reshape(pts_batch, n_cameras, *n_pts, -1) for k, f in feats.items() } # {k: pts_batch x n_cameras x *n_pts x dim} for each feat type "k" if masks is not None: # sample masks masks_sampled = ( ndc_grid_sample( masks, sampling_grid_ndc, mode=sampling_mode, align_corners=False, ) .permute(2, 0, 3, 1) .reshape(pts_batch, n_cameras, *n_pts, 1) ) else: masks_sampled = sampling_grid_ndc.new_ones(pts_batch, n_cameras, *n_pts, 1) return feats_sampled, masks_sampled
[docs] def handle_seq_id( seq_id: Union[torch.LongTensor, List[str], List[int]], device, ) -> torch.LongTensor: """ Converts the input sequence id to a LongTensor. Args: seq_id: A sequence of sequence ids. device: The target device of the output. Returns long_seq_id: `seq_id` converted to a `LongTensor` and moved to `device`. """ if not torch.is_tensor(seq_id): if isinstance(seq_id[0], str): seq_id = [hash(s) for s in seq_id] # pyre-fixme[9]: seq_id has type `Union[List[int], List[str], LongTensor]`; # used as `Tensor`. seq_id = torch.tensor(seq_id, dtype=torch.long, device=device) # pyre-fixme[16]: Item `List` of `Union[List[int], List[str], LongTensor]` has # no attribute `to`. return
[docs] def cameras_points_cartesian_product( camera: CamerasBase, pts: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[CamerasBase, torch.Tensor]: """ Generates all pairs of pairs of elements from 'camera' and 'pts' and returns `camera_rep` and `pts_rep` such that:: camera_rep = [ pts_rep = [ camera[0] pts[0], camera[0] pts[1], camera[0] ..., ... pts[batch_pts-1], camera[1] pts[0], camera[1] pts[1], camera[1] ..., ... pts[batch_pts-1], ... ..., camera[n_cameras-1] pts[0], camera[n_cameras-1] pts[1], camera[n_cameras-1] ..., ... pts[batch_pts-1], ] ] Args: camera: A batch of `n_cameras` cameras. pts: A batch of `batch_pts` points of shape `(batch_pts, ..., dim)` Returns: camera_rep: A batch of batch_pts*n_cameras cameras such that:: camera_rep = [ camera[0] camera[0] camera[0] ... camera[1] camera[1] camera[1] ... ... camera[n_cameras-1] camera[n_cameras-1] camera[n_cameras-1] ] pts_rep: Repeated `pts` of shape `(batch_pts*n_cameras, ..., dim)`, such that:: pts_rep = [ pts[0], pts[1], ..., pts[batch_pts-1], pts[0], pts[1], ..., pts[batch_pts-1], ..., pts[0], pts[1], ..., pts[batch_pts-1], ] """ n_cameras = camera.R.shape[0] batch_pts = pts.shape[0] pts_rep = pts.repeat(n_cameras, *[1 for _ in pts.shape[1:]]) idx_cams = ( torch.arange(n_cameras)[:, None] .expand( n_cameras, batch_pts, ) .reshape(batch_pts * n_cameras) ) # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `Union[List[int], int, LongTensor]` but # got `Tensor`. camera_rep = camera[idx_cams] return camera_rep, pts_rep