Source code for pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.raymarcher

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# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.base import RendererOutput
from import registry, ReplaceableBase
from pytorch3d.renderer.implicit.raymarching import _check_raymarcher_inputs

_TTensor = torch.Tensor

[docs] class RaymarcherBase(ReplaceableBase): """ Defines a base class for raymarchers. Specifically, a raymarcher is responsible for taking a set of features and density descriptors along rendering rays and marching along them in order to generate a feature render. """
[docs] def forward( self, rays_densities: torch.Tensor, rays_features: torch.Tensor, aux: Dict[str, Any], ) -> RendererOutput: """ Args: rays_densities: Per-ray density values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, 1)`. rays_features: Per-ray feature values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, feature_dim)`. aux: a dictionary with extra information. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class AccumulativeRaymarcherBase(RaymarcherBase, torch.nn.Module): """ This generalizes the `pytorch3d.renderer.EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher` and NeuralVolumes' cumsum ray marcher. It additionally returns the rendering weights that can be used in the NVS pipeline to carry out the importance ray-sampling in the refining pass. Different from `pytorch3d.renderer.EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher`, it takes raw (non-exponentiated) densities. Args: surface_thickness: The thickness of the raymarched surface. bg_color: The background color. A tuple of either 1 element or of D elements, where D matches the feature dimensionality; it is broadcast when necessary. replicate_last_interval: If True, the ray length assigned to the last interval for the opacity delta calculation is copied from the penultimate interval. background_opacity: The length over which the last raw opacity value (i.e. before exponentiation) is considered to apply, for the delta calculation. Ignored if replicate_last_interval=True. density_relu: If `True`, passes the input density through ReLU before raymarching. blend_output: If `True`, alpha-blends the output renders with the background color using the rendered opacity mask. capping_function: The capping function of the raymarcher. Options: - "exponential" (`cap_fn(x) = 1 - exp(-x)`) - "cap1" (`cap_fn(x) = min(x, 1)`) Set to "exponential" for the standard Emission Absorption raymarching. weight_function: The weighting function of the raymarcher. Options: - "product" (`weight_fn(w, x) = w * x`) - "minimum" (`weight_fn(w, x) = min(w, x)`) Set to "product" for the standard Emission Absorption raymarching. """ surface_thickness: int = 1 bg_color: Tuple[float, ...] = (0.0,) replicate_last_interval: bool = False background_opacity: float = 0.0 density_relu: bool = True blend_output: bool = False @property def capping_function_type(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @property def weight_function_type(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """ Args: surface_thickness: Denotes the overlap between the absorption function and the density function. """ bg_color = torch.tensor(self.bg_color) if bg_color.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"bg_color (shape {bg_color.shape}) should be a 1D tensor") self.register_buffer("_bg_color", bg_color, persistent=False) self._capping_function: Callable[[_TTensor], _TTensor] = { "exponential": lambda x: 1.0 - torch.exp(-x), "cap1": lambda x: x.clamp(max=1.0), }[self.capping_function_type] self._weight_function: Callable[[_TTensor, _TTensor], _TTensor] = { "product": lambda curr, acc: curr * acc, "minimum": lambda curr, acc: torch.minimum(curr, acc), }[self.weight_function_type]
# pyre-fixme[14]: `forward` overrides method defined in `RaymarcherBase` # inconsistently.
[docs] def forward( self, rays_densities: torch.Tensor, rays_features: torch.Tensor, aux: Dict[str, Any], ray_lengths: torch.Tensor, ray_deltas: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, density_noise_std: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ) -> RendererOutput: """ Args: rays_densities: Per-ray density values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, 1)`. rays_features: Per-ray feature values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, feature_dim)`. aux: a dictionary with extra information. ray_lengths: Per-ray depth values represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray, feature_dim)`. ray_deltas: Optional differences between consecutive elements along the ray bundle represented with a tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray)`. If None, these differences are computed from ray_lengths. density_noise_std: the magnitude of the noise added to densities. Returns: features: A tensor of shape `(..., feature_dim)` containing the rendered features for each ray. depth: A tensor of shape `(..., 1)` containing estimated depth. opacities: A tensor of shape `(..., 1)` containing rendered opacities. weights: A tensor of shape `(..., n_points_per_ray)` containing the ray-specific non-negative opacity weights. In general, they don't sum to 1 but do not overcome it, i.e. `(weights.sum(dim=-1) <= 1.0).all()` holds. """ _check_raymarcher_inputs( rays_densities, rays_features, ray_lengths, z_can_be_none=True, features_can_be_none=False, density_1d=True, ) if ray_deltas is None: ray_lengths_diffs = torch.diff(ray_lengths, dim=-1) if self.replicate_last_interval: last_interval = ray_lengths_diffs[..., -1:] else: last_interval = torch.full_like( ray_lengths[..., :1], self.background_opacity ) deltas =, last_interval), dim=-1) else: deltas = ray_deltas rays_densities = rays_densities[..., 0] if density_noise_std > 0.0: noise: _TTensor = torch.randn_like(rays_densities).mul(density_noise_std) rays_densities = rays_densities + noise if self.density_relu: rays_densities = torch.relu(rays_densities) weighted_densities = deltas * rays_densities capped_densities = self._capping_function(weighted_densities) rays_opacities = self._capping_function( torch.cumsum(weighted_densities, dim=-1) ) opacities = rays_opacities[..., -1:] absorption_shifted = (-rays_opacities + 1.0).roll( self.surface_thickness, dims=-1 ) absorption_shifted[..., : self.surface_thickness] = 1.0 weights = self._weight_function(capped_densities, absorption_shifted) features = (weights[..., None] * rays_features).sum(dim=-2) depth = (weights * ray_lengths)[..., None].sum(dim=-2) alpha = opacities if self.blend_output else 1 if self._bg_color.shape[-1] not in [1, features.shape[-1]]: raise ValueError("Wrong number of background color channels.") features = alpha * features + (1 - opacities) * self._bg_color return RendererOutput( features=features, depths=depth, masks=opacities, weights=weights, aux=aux, )
[docs] @registry.register class EmissionAbsorptionRaymarcher(AccumulativeRaymarcherBase): """ Implements the EmissionAbsorption raymarcher. """ background_opacity: float = 1e10 @property def capping_function_type(self) -> str: return "exponential" @property def weight_function_type(self) -> str: return "product"
[docs] @registry.register class CumsumRaymarcher(AccumulativeRaymarcherBase): """ Implements the NeuralVolumes' cumulative-sum raymarcher. """ @property def capping_function_type(self) -> str: return "cap1" @property def weight_function_type(self) -> str: return "minimum"