# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# pyre-unsafe
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import torch
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.ray_sampler import ImplicitronRayBundle
from pytorch3d.implicitron.tools import metric_utils as utils
from pytorch3d.implicitron.tools.config import registry, ReplaceableBase
from pytorch3d.ops import padded_to_packed
from pytorch3d.renderer import utils as rend_utils
from .renderer.base import RendererOutput
class RegularizationMetricsBase(ReplaceableBase, torch.nn.Module):
Replaceable abstract base for regularization metrics.
`forward()` method produces regularization metrics and (unlike ViewMetrics) can
depend on the model's parameters.
def forward(
self, model: Any, keys_prefix: str = "loss_", **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Calculates various regularization terms useful for supervising differentiable
rendering pipelines.
model: A model instance. Useful, for example, to implement
weights-based regularization.
keys_prefix: A common prefix for all keys in the output dictionary
containing all regularization metrics.
A dictionary with the resulting regularization metrics. The items
will have form `{metric_name_i: metric_value_i}` keyed by the
names of the output metrics `metric_name_i` with their corresponding
values `metric_value_i` represented as 0-dimensional float tensors.
raise NotImplementedError
class ViewMetricsBase(ReplaceableBase, torch.nn.Module):
Replaceable abstract base for model metrics.
`forward()` method produces losses and other metrics.
def forward(
raymarched: RendererOutput,
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle,
image_rgb: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
depth_map: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
fg_probability: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mask_crop: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
keys_prefix: str = "loss_",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Calculates various metrics and loss functions useful for supervising
differentiable rendering pipelines. Any additional parameters can be passed
in the `raymarched.aux` dictionary.
results: A dictionary with the resulting view metrics. The items
will have form `{metric_name_i: metric_value_i}` keyed by the
names of the output metrics `metric_name_i` with their corresponding
values `metric_value_i` represented as 0-dimensional float tensors.
raymarched: Output of the renderer.
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle object which was used to produce the raymarched
image_rgb: A tensor of shape `(B, H, W, 3)` containing ground truth rgb
depth_map: A tensor of shape `(B, Hd, Wd, 1)` containing ground truth depth
fg_probability: A tensor of shape `(B, Hm, Wm, 1)` containing ground truth
foreground masks.
keys_prefix: A common prefix for all keys in the output dictionary
containing all view metrics.
A dictionary with the resulting view metrics. The items
will have form `{metric_name_i: metric_value_i}` keyed by the
names of the output metrics `metric_name_i` with their corresponding
values `metric_value_i` represented as 0-dimensional float tensors.
raise NotImplementedError()
class RegularizationMetrics(RegularizationMetricsBase):
def forward(
self, model: Any, keys_prefix: str = "loss_", **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Calculates the AD penalty, or returns an empty dict if the model's autoencoder
is inactive.
model: A model instance.
keys_prefix: A common prefix for all keys in the output dictionary
containing all regularization metrics.
A dictionary with the resulting regularization metrics. The items
will have form `{metric_name_i: metric_value_i}` keyed by the
names of the output metrics `metric_name_i` with their corresponding
values `metric_value_i` represented as 0-dimensional float tensors.
The calculated metric is:
autoencoder_norm: Autoencoder weight norm regularization term.
metrics = {}
if getattr(model, "sequence_autodecoder", None) is not None:
ad_penalty = model.sequence_autodecoder.calculate_squared_encoding_norm()
if ad_penalty is not None:
metrics["autodecoder_norm"] = ad_penalty
if keys_prefix is not None:
metrics = {(keys_prefix + k): v for k, v in metrics.items()}
return metrics
class ViewMetrics(ViewMetricsBase):
def forward(
raymarched: RendererOutput,
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle,
image_rgb: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
depth_map: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
fg_probability: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mask_crop: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
keys_prefix: str = "loss_",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Calculates various differentiable metrics useful for supervising
differentiable rendering pipelines.
results: A dict to store the results in.
raymarched.features: Predicted rgb or feature values.
raymarched.depths: A tensor of shape `(B, ..., 1)` containing
predicted depth values.
raymarched.masks: A tensor of shape `(B, ..., 1)` containing
predicted foreground masks.
raymarched.aux["grad_theta"]: A tensor of shape `(B, ..., 3)` containing an
evaluation of a gradient of a signed distance function w.r.t.
input 3D coordinates used to compute the eikonal loss.
raymarched.aux["density_grid"]: A tensor of shape `(B, Hg, Wg, Dg, 1)`
containing a `Hg x Wg x Dg` voxel grid of density values.
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle object which was used to produce the raymarched
image_rgb: A tensor of shape `(B, H, W, 3)` containing ground truth rgb
depth_map: A tensor of shape `(B, Hd, Wd, 1)` containing ground truth depth
fg_probability: A tensor of shape `(B, Hm, Wm, 1)` containing ground truth
foreground masks.
keys_prefix: A common prefix for all keys in the output dictionary
containing all view metrics.
A dictionary `{metric_name_i: metric_value_i}` keyed by the
names of the output metrics `metric_name_i` with their corresponding
values `metric_value_i` represented as 0-dimensional float tensors.
The calculated metrics are:
rgb_huber: A robust huber loss between `image_pred` and `image`.
rgb_mse: Mean squared error between `image_pred` and `image`.
rgb_psnr: Peak signal-to-noise ratio between `image_pred` and `image`.
rgb_psnr_fg: Peak signal-to-noise ratio between the foreground
region of `image_pred` and `image` as defined by `mask`.
rgb_mse_fg: Mean squared error between the foreground
region of `image_pred` and `image` as defined by `mask`.
mask_neg_iou: (1 - intersection-over-union) between `mask_pred`
and `mask`.
mask_bce: Binary cross entropy between `mask_pred` and `mask`.
mask_beta_prior: A loss enforcing strictly binary values
of `mask_pred`: `log(mask_pred) + log(1-mask_pred)`
depth_abs: Mean per-pixel L1 distance between
`depth_pred` and `depth`.
depth_abs_fg: Mean per-pixel L1 distance between the foreground
region of `depth_pred` and `depth` as defined by `mask`.
eikonal: Eikonal regularizer `(||grad_theta|| - 1)**2`.
density_tv: The Total Variation regularizer of density
values in `density_grid` (sum of L1 distances of values
of all 4-neighbouring cells).
depth_neg_penalty: `min(depth_pred, 0)**2` penalizing negative
predicted depth values.
metrics = self._calculate_stage(
if raymarched.prev_stage:
keys_prefix=(keys_prefix + "prev_stage_"),
return metrics
def _calculate_stage(
raymarched: RendererOutput,
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle,
image_rgb: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
depth_map: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
fg_probability: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mask_crop: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
keys_prefix: str = "loss_",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Calculate metrics for the current stage.
# TODO: extract functions
# reshape from B x ... x DIM to B x DIM x -1 x 1
image_rgb_pred, fg_probability_pred, depth_map_pred = [
for x in [raymarched.features, raymarched.masks, raymarched.depths]
xys = ray_bundle.xys
# If ray_bundle is packed than we can sample images in padded state to lower
# memory requirements. Instead of having one image for every element in
# ray_bundle we can than have one image per unique sampled camera.
if ray_bundle.is_packed():
xys, first_idxs, num_inputs = ray_bundle.get_padded_xys()
# reshape the sampling grid as well
# TODO: we can get rid of the singular dimension here and in _reshape_nongrid_var
# now that we use rend_utils.ndc_grid_sample
xys = xys.reshape(xys.shape[0], -1, 1, 2)
# closure with the given xys
def sample_full(tensor, mode):
if tensor is None:
return tensor
return rend_utils.ndc_grid_sample(tensor, xys, mode=mode)
def sample_packed(tensor, mode):
if tensor is None:
return tensor
# select images that corespond to sampled cameras if raybundle is packed
tensor = tensor[ray_bundle.camera_ids]
if ray_bundle.is_packed():
# select images that corespond to sampled cameras if raybundle is packed
tensor = tensor[ray_bundle.camera_ids]
result = rend_utils.ndc_grid_sample(tensor, xys, mode=mode)
return padded_to_packed(result, first_idxs, num_inputs, max_size_dim=2)[
:, :, None
] # the result is [n_rays_total_training, 3, 1, 1]
sample = sample_packed if ray_bundle.is_packed() else sample_full
# eval all results in this size
image_rgb = sample(image_rgb, mode="bilinear")
depth_map = sample(depth_map, mode="nearest")
fg_probability = sample(fg_probability, mode="nearest")
mask_crop = sample(mask_crop, mode="nearest")
if mask_crop is None and image_rgb_pred is not None:
mask_crop = torch.ones_like(image_rgb_pred[:, :1])
if mask_crop is None and depth_map_pred is not None:
mask_crop = torch.ones_like(depth_map_pred[:, :1])
metrics = {}
if image_rgb is not None and image_rgb_pred is not None:
if fg_probability_pred is not None:
metrics["mask_beta_prior"] = utils.beta_prior(fg_probability_pred)
if fg_probability is not None and fg_probability_pred is not None:
metrics["mask_neg_iou"] = utils.neg_iou_loss(
fg_probability_pred, fg_probability, mask=mask_crop
metrics["mask_bce"] = utils.calc_bce(
fg_probability_pred, fg_probability, mask=mask_crop
if depth_map is not None and depth_map_pred is not None:
assert mask_crop is not None
_, abs_ = utils.eval_depth(
depth_map_pred, depth_map, get_best_scale=True, mask=mask_crop, crop=0
metrics["depth_abs"] = abs_.mean()
if fg_probability is not None:
mask = fg_probability * mask_crop
_, abs_ = utils.eval_depth(
depth_map_pred, depth_map, get_best_scale=True, mask=mask, crop=0
metrics["depth_abs_fg"] = abs_.mean()
# regularizers
grad_theta = raymarched.aux.get("grad_theta")
if grad_theta is not None:
metrics["eikonal"] = _get_eikonal_loss(grad_theta)
density_grid = raymarched.aux.get("density_grid")
if density_grid is not None:
metrics["density_tv"] = _get_grid_tv_loss(density_grid)
if depth_map_pred is not None:
metrics["depth_neg_penalty"] = _get_depth_neg_penalty_loss(depth_map_pred)
if keys_prefix is not None:
metrics = {(keys_prefix + k): v for k, v in metrics.items()}
return metrics
def _rgb_metrics(images, images_pred, masks, masks_pred, masks_crop):
assert masks_crop is not None
if images.shape[1] != images_pred.shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
f"Network output's RGB images had {images_pred.shape[1]} "
f"channels. {images.shape[1]} expected."
rgb_squared = ((images_pred - images) ** 2).mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
rgb_loss = utils.huber(rgb_squared, scaling=0.03)
crop_mass = masks_crop.sum().clamp(1.0)
results = {
"rgb_huber": (rgb_loss * masks_crop).sum() / crop_mass,
"rgb_mse": (rgb_squared * masks_crop).sum() / crop_mass,
"rgb_psnr": utils.calc_psnr(images_pred, images, mask=masks_crop),
if masks is not None:
masks = masks_crop * masks
results["rgb_psnr_fg"] = utils.calc_psnr(images_pred, images, mask=masks)
results["rgb_mse_fg"] = (rgb_squared * masks).sum() / masks.sum().clamp(1.0)
return results
def _get_eikonal_loss(grad_theta):
return ((grad_theta.norm(2, dim=1) - 1) ** 2).mean()
def _get_grid_tv_loss(grid, log_domain: bool = True, eps: float = 1e-5):
if log_domain:
if (grid <= -eps).any():
warnings.warn("Grid has negative values; this will produce NaN loss")
grid = torch.log(grid + eps)
# this is an isotropic version, note that it ignores last rows/cols
return torch.mean(
(grid[..., :-1, :-1, 1:] - grid[..., :-1, :-1, :-1]) ** 2
+ (grid[..., :-1, 1:, :-1] - grid[..., :-1, :-1, :-1]) ** 2
+ (grid[..., 1:, :-1, :-1] - grid[..., :-1, :-1, :-1]) ** 2,
def _get_depth_neg_penalty_loss(depth):
neg_penalty = depth.clamp(min=None, max=0.0) ** 2
return torch.mean(neg_penalty)
def _reshape_nongrid_var(x):
if x is None:
return None
ba, *_, dim = x.shape
return x.reshape(ba, -1, 1, dim).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()