Source code for pytorch3d.implicitron.models.implicit_function.scene_representation_networks

# @lint-ignore-every LICENSELINT
# Adapted from
# Copyright (c) 2019 Vincent Sitzmann

# pyre-unsafe
from typing import Any, cast, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from omegaconf import DictConfig
from pytorch3d.common.linear_with_repeat import LinearWithRepeat
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.base import ImplicitronRayBundle
from pytorch3d.implicitron.third_party import hyperlayers, pytorch_prototyping
from import Configurable, registry, run_auto_creation
from pytorch3d.renderer import ray_bundle_to_ray_points
from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase
from pytorch3d.renderer.implicit import HarmonicEmbedding

from .base import ImplicitFunctionBase
from .utils import create_embeddings_for_implicit_function

def _kaiming_normal_init(module: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
    if isinstance(module, (torch.nn.Linear, LinearWithRepeat)):
            module.weight, a=0.0, nonlinearity="relu", mode="fan_in"

[docs] class SRNRaymarchFunction(Configurable, torch.nn.Module): n_harmonic_functions: int = 3 # 0 means raw 3D coord inputs n_hidden_units: int = 256 n_layers: int = 2 in_features: int = 3 out_features: int = 256 latent_dim: int = 0 xyz_in_camera_coords: bool = False # The internal network can be set as an output of an SRNHyperNet. # Note that, in order to avoid Pytorch's automatic registering of the # raymarch_function module on construction, we input the network wrapped # as a 1-tuple. # raymarch_function should ideally be typed as Optional[Tuple[Callable]] # but Omegaconf.structured doesn't like that. TODO: revisit after new # release of omegaconf including . raymarch_function: Any = None def __post_init__(self): self._harmonic_embedding = HarmonicEmbedding( self.n_harmonic_functions, append_input=True ) input_embedding_dim = ( HarmonicEmbedding.get_output_dim_static( self.in_features, self.n_harmonic_functions, True, ) + self.latent_dim ) if self.raymarch_function is not None: self._net = self.raymarch_function[0] else: self._net = pytorch_prototyping.FCBlock( hidden_ch=self.n_hidden_units, num_hidden_layers=self.n_layers, in_features=input_embedding_dim, out_features=self.out_features, )
[docs] def forward( self, ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle, fun_viewpool=None, camera: Optional[CamerasBase] = None, global_code=None, **kwargs, ): """ Args: ray_bundle: An ImplicitronRayBundle object containing the following variables: origins: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` denoting the origins of the sampling rays in world coords. directions: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords. lengths: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray)` containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled. fun_viewpool: an optional callback with the signature fun_fiewpool(points) -> pooled_features where points is a [N_TGT x N x 3] tensor of world coords, and pooled_features is a [N_TGT x ... x N_SRC x latent_dim] tensor of the features pooled from the context images. Returns: rays_densities: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 1)` denoting the opacitiy of each ray point. rays_colors: Set to None. """ # We first convert the ray parametrizations to world # coordinates with `ray_bundle_to_ray_points`. # pyre-ignore[6] rays_points_world = ray_bundle_to_ray_points(ray_bundle) embeds = create_embeddings_for_implicit_function( xyz_world=rays_points_world, xyz_embedding_function=self._harmonic_embedding, global_code=global_code, fun_viewpool=fun_viewpool, xyz_in_camera_coords=self.xyz_in_camera_coords, camera=camera, ) # Before running the network, we have to resize embeds to ndims=3, # otherwise the SRN layers consume huge amounts of memory. raymarch_features = self._net( embeds.view(embeds.shape[0], -1, embeds.shape[-1]) ) # raymarch_features.shape = [minibatch x ... x self.n_hidden_neurons_xyz] # NNs operate on the flattenned rays; reshaping to the correct spatial size raymarch_features = raymarch_features.reshape(*rays_points_world.shape[:-1], -1) return raymarch_features, None
[docs] class SRNPixelGenerator(Configurable, torch.nn.Module): n_harmonic_functions: int = 4 n_hidden_units: int = 256 n_hidden_units_color: int = 128 n_layers: int = 2 in_features: int = 256 out_features: int = 3 ray_dir_in_camera_coords: bool = False def __post_init__(self): self._harmonic_embedding = HarmonicEmbedding( self.n_harmonic_functions, append_input=True ) self._net = pytorch_prototyping.FCBlock( hidden_ch=self.n_hidden_units, num_hidden_layers=self.n_layers, in_features=self.in_features, out_features=self.n_hidden_units, ) self._density_layer = torch.nn.Linear(self.n_hidden_units, 1) self._density_layer.apply(_kaiming_normal_init) embedding_dim_dir = self._harmonic_embedding.get_output_dim(input_dims=3) self._color_layer = torch.nn.Sequential( LinearWithRepeat( self.n_hidden_units + embedding_dim_dir, self.n_hidden_units_color, ), torch.nn.LayerNorm([self.n_hidden_units_color]), torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True), torch.nn.Linear(self.n_hidden_units_color, self.out_features), ) self._color_layer.apply(_kaiming_normal_init) # TODO: merge with NeuralRadianceFieldBase's _get_colors def _get_colors(self, features: torch.Tensor, rays_directions: torch.Tensor): """ This function takes per-point `features` predicted by `` and evaluates the color model in order to attach to each point a 3D vector of its RGB color. """ # Normalize the ray_directions to unit l2 norm. rays_directions_normed = torch.nn.functional.normalize(rays_directions, dim=-1) # Obtain the harmonic embedding of the normalized ray directions. rays_embedding = self._harmonic_embedding(rays_directions_normed) return self._color_layer((features, rays_embedding))
[docs] def forward( self, raymarch_features: torch.Tensor, ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle, camera: Optional[CamerasBase] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Args: raymarch_features: Features from the raymarching network of shape `(minibatch, ..., self.in_features)` ray_bundle: An ImplicitronRayBundle object containing the following variables: origins: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` denoting the origins of the sampling rays in world coords. directions: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords. lengths: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray)` containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled. Returns: rays_densities: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 1)` denoting the opacitiy of each ray point. rays_colors: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 3)` denoting the color of each ray point. """ # raymarch_features.shape = [minibatch x ... x pts_per_ray x 3] features = self._net(raymarch_features) # features.shape = [minibatch x ... x self.n_hidden_units] if self.ray_dir_in_camera_coords: if camera is None: raise ValueError("Camera must be given if xyz_ray_dir_in_camera_coords") directions = ray_bundle.directions @ camera.R else: directions = ray_bundle.directions # NNs operate on the flattenned rays; reshaping to the correct spatial size features = features.reshape(*raymarch_features.shape[:-1], -1) raw_densities = self._density_layer(features) rays_colors = self._get_colors(features, directions) return raw_densities, rays_colors
[docs] class SRNRaymarchHyperNet(Configurable, torch.nn.Module): """ This is a raymarching function which has a forward like SRNRaymarchFunction but instead of the weights being parameters of the module, they are the output of another network, the hypernet, which takes the global_code as input. All the dataclass members of SRNRaymarchFunction are here with the same meaning. In addition, there are members with names ending `_hypernet` which affect the hypernet. Because this class may be called repeatedly for the same global_code, the output of the hypernet is cached in self.cached_srn_raymarch_function. This member must be manually set to None whenever the global_code changes. """ n_harmonic_functions: int = 3 # 0 means raw 3D coord inputs n_hidden_units: int = 256 n_layers: int = 2 n_hidden_units_hypernet: int = 256 n_layers_hypernet: int = 1 in_features: int = 3 out_features: int = 256 latent_dim_hypernet: int = 0 latent_dim: int = 0 xyz_in_camera_coords: bool = False def __post_init__(self): raymarch_input_embedding_dim = ( HarmonicEmbedding.get_output_dim_static( self.in_features, self.n_harmonic_functions, True, ) + self.latent_dim ) self._hypernet = hyperlayers.HyperFC( hyper_in_ch=self.latent_dim_hypernet, hyper_num_hidden_layers=self.n_layers_hypernet, hyper_hidden_ch=self.n_hidden_units_hypernet, hidden_ch=self.n_hidden_units, num_hidden_layers=self.n_layers, in_ch=raymarch_input_embedding_dim, out_ch=self.n_hidden_units, ) self.cached_srn_raymarch_function: Optional[Tuple[SRNRaymarchFunction]] = None def _run_hypernet(self, global_code: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[SRNRaymarchFunction]: """ Runs the hypernet and returns a 1-tuple containing the generated srn_raymarch_function. """ net = self._hypernet(global_code) # use the hyper-net generated network to instantiate the raymarch module srn_raymarch_function = SRNRaymarchFunction( n_harmonic_functions=self.n_harmonic_functions, n_hidden_units=self.n_hidden_units, n_layers=self.n_layers, in_features=self.in_features, out_features=self.out_features, latent_dim=self.latent_dim, xyz_in_camera_coords=self.xyz_in_camera_coords, raymarch_function=(net,), ) # move the generated raymarch function to the correct device return (srn_raymarch_function,)
[docs] def forward( self, ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle, fun_viewpool=None, camera: Optional[CamerasBase] = None, global_code=None, **kwargs, ): if global_code is None: raise ValueError("SRN Hypernetwork requires a non-trivial global code.") # The raymarching network is cached in case the function is called repeatedly # across LSTM iterations for the same global_code. if self.cached_srn_raymarch_function is None: # generate the raymarching network from the hypernet self.cached_srn_raymarch_function = self._run_hypernet(global_code) (srn_raymarch_function,) = cast( Tuple[SRNRaymarchFunction], self.cached_srn_raymarch_function ) return srn_raymarch_function( ray_bundle=ray_bundle, fun_viewpool=fun_viewpool, camera=camera, global_code=None, # the hypernetwork takes the global code )
[docs] @registry.register # pyre-fixme[13]: Uninitialized attribute class SRNImplicitFunction(ImplicitFunctionBase, torch.nn.Module): latent_dim: int = 0 raymarch_function: SRNRaymarchFunction pixel_generator: SRNPixelGenerator def __post_init__(self): run_auto_creation(self)
[docs] def create_raymarch_function(self) -> None: self.raymarch_function = SRNRaymarchFunction( latent_dim=self.latent_dim, **self.raymarch_function_args, )
[docs] @classmethod def raymarch_function_tweak_args(cls, type, args: DictConfig) -> None: args.pop("latent_dim", None)
[docs] def forward( self, *, ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle, fun_viewpool=None, camera: Optional[CamerasBase] = None, global_code=None, raymarch_features: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs, ): predict_colors = raymarch_features is not None if predict_colors: return self.pixel_generator( raymarch_features=raymarch_features, ray_bundle=ray_bundle, camera=camera, **kwargs, ) else: return self.raymarch_function( ray_bundle=ray_bundle, fun_viewpool=fun_viewpool, camera=camera, global_code=global_code, **kwargs, )
[docs] @registry.register # pyre-fixme[13]: Uninitialized attribute class SRNHyperNetImplicitFunction(ImplicitFunctionBase, torch.nn.Module): """ This implicit function uses a hypernetwork to generate the SRNRaymarchingFunction, and this is cached. Whenever the global_code changes, `on_bind_args` must be called to clear the cache. """ latent_dim_hypernet: int = 0 latent_dim: int = 0 hypernet: SRNRaymarchHyperNet pixel_generator: SRNPixelGenerator def __post_init__(self): run_auto_creation(self)
[docs] def create_hypernet(self) -> None: self.hypernet = SRNRaymarchHyperNet( latent_dim=self.latent_dim, latent_dim_hypernet=self.latent_dim_hypernet, **self.hypernet_args, )
[docs] @classmethod def hypernet_tweak_args(cls, type, args: DictConfig) -> None: args.pop("latent_dim", None) args.pop("latent_dim_hypernet", None)
[docs] def forward( self, *, ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle, fun_viewpool=None, camera: Optional[CamerasBase] = None, global_code=None, raymarch_features: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs, ): predict_colors = raymarch_features is not None if predict_colors: return self.pixel_generator( raymarch_features=raymarch_features, ray_bundle=ray_bundle, camera=camera, **kwargs, ) else: return self.hypernet( ray_bundle=ray_bundle, fun_viewpool=fun_viewpool, camera=camera, global_code=global_code, **kwargs, )
[docs] def on_bind_args(self): """ The global_code may have changed, so we reset the hypernet. """ self.hypernet.cached_srn_raymarch_function = None