# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# pyre-unsafe
# Note: The #noqa comments below are for unused imports of pluggable implementations
# which are part of implicitron. They ensure that the registry is prepopulated.
import logging
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import torch
from omegaconf import DictConfig
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.base_model import (
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.feature_extractor import FeatureExtractorBase
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.global_encoder.global_encoder import GlobalEncoderBase
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.implicit_function.base import ImplicitFunctionBase
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.metrics import (
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.base import (
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.ray_sampler import RaySamplerBase
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.utils import (
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.view_pooler.view_pooler import ViewPooler
from pytorch3d.implicitron.tools import vis_utils
from pytorch3d.implicitron.tools.config import (
from pytorch3d.implicitron.tools.rasterize_mc import rasterize_sparse_ray_bundle
from pytorch3d.renderer import utils as rend_utils
from pytorch3d.renderer.cameras import CamerasBase
from visdom import Visdom
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GenericModel(ImplicitronModelBase):
GenericModel is a wrapper for the neural implicit
rendering and reconstruction pipeline which consists
of the following sequence of 7 steps (steps 2–4 are normally
skipped in overfitting scenario, since conditioning on source views
does not add much information; otherwise they should be present altogether):
(1) Ray Sampling
Rays are sampled from an image grid based on the target view(s).
│ │
│ ▼
│ (2) Feature Extraction (optional)
│ -----------------------
│ A feature extractor (e.g. a convolutional
│ neural net) is used to extract image features
│ from the source view(s).
│ │
│ ▼
│ (3) View Sampling (optional)
│ ------------------
│ Image features are sampled at the 2D projections
│ of a set of 3D points along each of the sampled
│ target rays from (1).
│ │
│ ▼
│ (4) Feature Aggregation (optional)
│ ------------------
│ Aggregate features and masks sampled from
│ image view(s) in (3).
│ │
(5) Implicit Function Evaluation
Evaluate the implicit function(s) at the sampled ray points
(optionally pass in the aggregated image features from (4)).
(also optionally pass in a global encoding from global_encoder).
(6) Rendering
Render the image into the target cameras by raymarching along
the sampled rays and aggregating the colors and densities
output by the implicit function in (5).
(7) Loss Computation
Compute losses based on the predicted target image(s).
The `forward` function of GenericModel executes
this sequence of steps. Currently, steps 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
can be customized by intializing a subclass of the appropriate
baseclass and adding the newly created module to the registry.
Please see https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/blob/main/projects/implicitron_trainer/README.md#custom-plugins
for more details on how to create and register a custom component.
In the config .yaml files for experiments, the parameters below are
contained in the
node. As GenericModel derives from ReplaceableBase, the input arguments are
parsed by the run_auto_creation function to initialize the
necessary member modules. Please see implicitron_trainer/README.md
for more details on this process.
mask_images: Whether or not to mask the RGB image background given the
foreground mask (the `fg_probability` argument of `GenericModel.forward`)
mask_depths: Whether or not to mask the depth image background given the
foreground mask (the `fg_probability` argument of `GenericModel.forward`)
render_image_width: Width of the output image to render
render_image_height: Height of the output image to render
mask_threshold: If greater than 0.0, the foreground mask is
thresholded by this value before being applied to the RGB/Depth images
output_rasterized_mc: If True, visualize the Monte-Carlo pixel renders by
splatting onto an image grid. Default: False.
bg_color: RGB values for setting the background color of input image
if mask_images=True. Defaults to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). Each renderer has its own
way to determine the background color of its output, unrelated to this.
num_passes: The specified implicit_function is initialized num_passes
times and run sequentially.
chunk_size_grid: The total number of points which can be rendered
per chunk. This is used to compute the number of rays used
per chunk when the chunked version of the renderer is used (in order
to fit rendering on all rays in memory)
render_features_dimensions: The number of output features to render.
Defaults to 3, corresponding to RGB images.
n_train_target_views: The number of cameras to render into at training
time; first `n_train_target_views` in the batch are considered targets,
the rest are sources.
sampling_mode_training: The sampling method to use during training. Must be
a value from the RenderSamplingMode Enum.
sampling_mode_evaluation: Same as above but for evaluation.
global_encoder_class_type: The name of the class to use for global_encoder,
which must be available in the registry. Or `None` to disable global encoder.
global_encoder: An instance of `GlobalEncoder`. This is used to generate an encoding
of the image (referred to as the global_code) that can be used to model aspects of
the scene such as multiple objects or morphing objects. It is up to the implicit
function definition how to use it, but the most typical way is to broadcast and
concatenate to the other inputs for the implicit function.
raysampler_class_type: The name of the raysampler class which is available
in the global registry.
raysampler: An instance of RaySampler which is used to emit
rays from the target view(s).
renderer_class_type: The name of the renderer class which is available in the global
renderer: A renderer class which inherits from BaseRenderer. This is used to
generate the images from the target view(s).
image_feature_extractor_class_type: If a str, constructs and enables
the `image_feature_extractor` object of this type. Or None if not needed.
image_feature_extractor: A module for extrating features from an input image.
view_pooler_enabled: If `True`, constructs and enables the `view_pooler` object.
This means features are sampled from the source image(s)
at the projected 2d locations of the sampled 3d ray points from the target
view(s), i.e. this activates step (3) above.
view_pooler: An instance of ViewPooler which is used for sampling of
image-based features at the 2D projections of a set
of 3D points and aggregating the sampled features.
implicit_function_class_type: The type of implicit function to use which
is available in the global registry.
implicit_function: An instance of ImplicitFunctionBase. The actual implicit functions
are initialised to be in self._implicit_functions.
view_metrics: An instance of ViewMetricsBase used to compute loss terms which
are independent of the model's parameters.
view_metrics_class_type: The type of view metrics to use, must be available in
the global registry.
regularization_metrics: An instance of RegularizationMetricsBase used to compute
regularization terms which can depend on the model's parameters.
regularization_metrics_class_type: The type of regularization metrics to use,
must be available in the global registry.
loss_weights: A dictionary with a {loss_name: weight} mapping; see documentation
for `ViewMetrics` class for available loss functions.
log_vars: A list of variable names which should be logged.
The names should correspond to a subset of the keys of the
dict `preds` output by the `forward` function.
""" # noqa: B950
mask_images: bool = True
mask_depths: bool = True
render_image_width: int = 400
render_image_height: int = 400
mask_threshold: float = 0.5
output_rasterized_mc: bool = False
bg_color: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
num_passes: int = 1
chunk_size_grid: int = 4096
render_features_dimensions: int = 3
tqdm_trigger_threshold: int = 16
n_train_target_views: int = 1
sampling_mode_training: str = "mask_sample"
sampling_mode_evaluation: str = "full_grid"
# ---- global encoder settings
global_encoder_class_type: Optional[str] = None
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `global_encoder` is never initialized.
global_encoder: Optional[GlobalEncoderBase]
# ---- raysampler
raysampler_class_type: str = "AdaptiveRaySampler"
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `raysampler` is never initialized.
raysampler: RaySamplerBase
# ---- renderer configs
renderer_class_type: str = "MultiPassEmissionAbsorptionRenderer"
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `renderer` is never initialized.
renderer: BaseRenderer
# ---- image feature extractor settings
# (This is only created if view_pooler is enabled)
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `image_feature_extractor` is never initialized.
image_feature_extractor: Optional[FeatureExtractorBase]
image_feature_extractor_class_type: Optional[str] = None
# ---- view pooler settings
view_pooler_enabled: bool = False
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `view_pooler` is never initialized.
view_pooler: Optional[ViewPooler]
# ---- implicit function settings
implicit_function_class_type: str = "NeuralRadianceFieldImplicitFunction"
# This is just a model, never constructed.
# The actual implicit functions live in self._implicit_functions
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `implicit_function` is never initialized.
implicit_function: ImplicitFunctionBase
# ----- metrics
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `view_metrics` is never initialized.
view_metrics: ViewMetricsBase
view_metrics_class_type: str = "ViewMetrics"
# pyre-fixme[13]: Attribute `regularization_metrics` is never initialized.
regularization_metrics: RegularizationMetricsBase
regularization_metrics_class_type: str = "RegularizationMetrics"
# ---- loss weights
loss_weights: Dict[str, float] = field(
default_factory=lambda: {
"loss_rgb_mse": 1.0,
"loss_prev_stage_rgb_mse": 1.0,
"loss_mask_bce": 0.0,
"loss_prev_stage_mask_bce": 0.0,
# ---- variables to be logged (logger automatically ignores if not computed)
log_vars: List[str] = field(
default_factory=lambda: [
# metrics that are only logged in 2+stage renderes
# basic metrics
def pre_expand(cls) -> None:
# use try/finally to bypass cinder's lazy imports
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.feature_extractor.resnet_feature_extractor import ( # noqa: F401, B950
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.implicit_function.idr_feature_field import ( # noqa: F401, B950
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.implicit_function.neural_radiance_field import ( # noqa: F401, B950
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.implicit_function.scene_representation_networks import ( # noqa: F401, B950
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.implicit_function.voxel_grid_implicit_function import ( # noqa: F401, B950
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.lstm_renderer import ( # noqa: F401
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.multipass_ea import ( # noqa
from pytorch3d.implicitron.models.renderer.sdf_renderer import ( # noqa: F401
def __post_init__(self):
if self.view_pooler_enabled:
if self.image_feature_extractor_class_type is None:
raise ValueError(
"image_feature_extractor must be present for view pooling."
self._implicit_functions = self._construct_implicit_functions()
log_loss_weights(self.loss_weights, logger)
def forward(
*, # force keyword-only arguments
image_rgb: Optional[torch.Tensor],
camera: CamerasBase,
fg_probability: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
mask_crop: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
depth_map: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
sequence_name: Optional[List[str]] = None,
frame_timestamp: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
evaluation_mode: EvaluationMode = EvaluationMode.EVALUATION,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
image_rgb: A tensor of shape `(B, 3, H, W)` containing a batch of rgb images;
the first `min(B, n_train_target_views)` images are considered targets and
are used to supervise the renders; the rest corresponding to the source
viewpoints from which features will be extracted.
camera: An instance of CamerasBase containing a batch of `B` cameras corresponding
to the viewpoints of target images, from which the rays will be sampled,
and source images, which will be used for intersecting with target rays.
fg_probability: A tensor of shape `(B, 1, H, W)` containing a batch of
foreground masks.
mask_crop: A binary tensor of shape `(B, 1, H, W)` denoting valid
regions in the input images (i.e. regions that do not correspond
to, e.g., zero-padding). When the `RaySampler`'s sampling mode is set to
"mask_sample", rays will be sampled in the non zero regions.
depth_map: A tensor of shape `(B, 1, H, W)` containing a batch of depth maps.
sequence_name: A list of `B` strings corresponding to the sequence names
from which images `image_rgb` were extracted. They are used to match
target frames with relevant source frames.
frame_timestamp: Optionally a tensor of shape `(B,)` containing a batch
of frame timestamps.
evaluation_mode: one of EvaluationMode.TRAINING or
EvaluationMode.EVALUATION which determines the settings used for
preds: A dictionary containing all outputs of the forward pass including the
rendered images, depths, masks, losses and other metrics.
image_rgb, fg_probability, depth_map = preprocess_input(
# Obtain the batch size from the camera as this is the only required input.
batch_size = camera.R.shape[0]
# Determine the number of target views, i.e. cameras we render into.
n_targets = (
if evaluation_mode == EvaluationMode.EVALUATION
else (
if self.n_train_target_views <= 0
else min(self.n_train_target_views, batch_size)
# A helper function for selecting n_target first elements from the input
# where the latter can be None.
def safe_slice_targets(
tensor: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, List[str]]],
) -> Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, List[str]]]:
return None if tensor is None else tensor[:n_targets]
# Select the target cameras.
target_cameras = camera[list(range(n_targets))]
# Determine the used ray sampling mode.
sampling_mode = RenderSamplingMode(
if evaluation_mode == EvaluationMode.TRAINING
else self.sampling_mode_evaluation
# (1) Sample rendering rays with the ray sampler.
# pyre-ignore[29]
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle = self.raysampler(
if mask_crop is not None
and sampling_mode == RenderSamplingMode.MASK_SAMPLE
else None
# custom_args hold additional arguments to the implicit function.
custom_args = {}
if self.image_feature_extractor is not None:
# (2) Extract features for the image
img_feats = self.image_feature_extractor(image_rgb, fg_probability)
img_feats = None
if self.view_pooler_enabled:
if sequence_name is None:
raise ValueError("sequence_name must be provided for view pooling")
assert img_feats is not None
# (3-4) Sample features and masks at the ray points.
# Aggregate features from multiple views.
def curried_viewpooler(pts):
return self.view_pooler(
custom_args["fun_viewpool"] = curried_viewpooler
global_code = None
if self.global_encoder is not None:
global_code = self.global_encoder( # pyre-fixme[29]
custom_args["global_code"] = global_code
# pyre-fixme[29]: `Union[(self: Tensor) -> Any, Tensor, Module]` is not a
# function.
for func in self._implicit_functions:
inputs_to_be_chunked = {}
if fg_probability is not None and self.renderer.requires_object_mask():
sampled_fb_prob = rend_utils.ndc_grid_sample(
fg_probability[:n_targets], ray_bundle.xys, mode="nearest"
inputs_to_be_chunked["object_mask"] = sampled_fb_prob > 0.5
# (5)-(6) Implicit function evaluation and Rendering
rendered = self._render(
# Unbind the custom arguments to prevent pytorch from storing
# large buffers of intermediate results due to points in the
# bound arguments.
# pyre-fixme[29]: `Union[(self: Tensor) -> Any, Tensor, Module]` is not a
# function.
for func in self._implicit_functions:
# A dict to store losses as well as rendering results.
preds: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if sampling_mode == RenderSamplingMode.MASK_SAMPLE:
if self.output_rasterized_mc:
# Visualize the monte-carlo pixel renders by splatting onto
# an image grid.
) = rasterize_sparse_ray_bundle(
(self.render_image_height, self.render_image_width),
elif sampling_mode == RenderSamplingMode.FULL_GRID:
preds["images_render"] = rendered.features.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
preds["depths_render"] = rendered.depths.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
preds["masks_render"] = rendered.masks.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
preds["implicitron_render"] = ImplicitronRender(
raise AssertionError("Unreachable state")
# (7) Compute losses
objective = self._get_objective(preds)
if objective is not None:
preds["objective"] = objective
return preds
def _get_objective(self, preds: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
A helper function to compute the overall loss as the dot product
of individual loss functions with the corresponding weights.
return weighted_sum_losses(preds, self.loss_weights)
def visualize(
viz: Optional["Visdom"],
visdom_env_imgs: str,
preds: Dict[str, Any],
prefix: str,
) -> None:
Helper function to visualize the predictions generated
in the forward pass.
viz: Visdom connection object
visdom_env_imgs: name of visdom environment for the images.
preds: predictions dict like returned by forward()
prefix: prepended to the names of images
if viz is None or not viz.check_connection():
logger.info("no visdom server! -> skipping batch vis")
idx_image = 0
title = f"{prefix}_im{idx_image}"
vis_utils.visualize_basics(viz, preds, visdom_env_imgs, title=title)
def _render(
ray_bundle: ImplicitronRayBundle,
inputs_to_be_chunked: Dict[str, torch.Tensor],
sampling_mode: RenderSamplingMode,
) -> RendererOutput:
ray_bundle: A `ImplicitronRayBundle` object containing the parametrizations of the
sampled rendering rays.
inputs_to_be_chunked: A collection of tensor of shape `(B, _, H, W)`. E.g.
SignedDistanceFunctionRenderer requires "object_mask", shape
(B, 1, H, W), the silhouette of the object in the image. When
chunking, they are passed to the renderer as shape
`(B, _, chunksize)`.
sampling_mode: The sampling method to use. Must be a value from the
RenderSamplingMode Enum.
An instance of RendererOutput
if sampling_mode == RenderSamplingMode.FULL_GRID and self.chunk_size_grid > 0:
return apply_chunked(
lambda batch: torch.cat(batch, dim=1).reshape(
*ray_bundle.lengths.shape[:-1], -1
# pyre-fixme[29]: `BaseRenderer` is not a function.
return self.renderer(
def _get_viewpooled_feature_dim(self) -> int:
if self.view_pooler is None:
return 0
assert self.image_feature_extractor is not None
return self.view_pooler.get_aggregated_feature_dim(
def raysampler_tweak_args(cls, type, args: DictConfig) -> None:
We don't expose certain fields of the raysampler because we want to set
them from our own members.
del args["sampling_mode_training"]
del args["sampling_mode_evaluation"]
del args["image_width"]
del args["image_height"]
def create_raysampler(self):
extra_args = {
"sampling_mode_training": self.sampling_mode_training,
"sampling_mode_evaluation": self.sampling_mode_evaluation,
"image_width": self.render_image_width,
"image_height": self.render_image_height,
raysampler_args = getattr(
self, "raysampler_" + self.raysampler_class_type + "_args"
self.raysampler = registry.get(RaySamplerBase, self.raysampler_class_type)(
**raysampler_args, **extra_args
def renderer_tweak_args(cls, type, args: DictConfig) -> None:
We don't expose certain fields of the renderer because we want to set
them based on other inputs.
args.pop("render_features_dimensions", None)
args.pop("object_bounding_sphere", None)
def create_renderer(self):
extra_args = {}
if self.renderer_class_type == "SignedDistanceFunctionRenderer":
extra_args["render_features_dimensions"] = self.render_features_dimensions
if not hasattr(self.raysampler, "scene_extent"):
raise ValueError(
"SignedDistanceFunctionRenderer requires"
+ " a raysampler that defines the 'scene_extent' field"
+ " (this field is supported by, e.g., the adaptive raysampler - "
+ " self.raysampler_class_type='AdaptiveRaySampler')."
extra_args["object_bounding_sphere"] = self.raysampler.scene_extent
renderer_args = getattr(self, "renderer_" + self.renderer_class_type + "_args")
self.renderer = registry.get(BaseRenderer, self.renderer_class_type)(
**renderer_args, **extra_args
def create_implicit_function(self) -> None:
No-op called by run_auto_creation so that self.implicit_function
does not get created. __post_init__ creates the implicit function(s)
in wrappers explicitly in self._implicit_functions.
def implicit_function_tweak_args(cls, type, args: DictConfig) -> None:
We don't expose certain implicit_function fields because we want to set
them based on other inputs.
args.pop("feature_vector_size", None)
args.pop("encoding_dim", None)
args.pop("latent_dim", None)
args.pop("latent_dim_hypernet", None)
args.pop("color_dim", None)
def _construct_implicit_functions(self):
After run_auto_creation has been called, the arguments
for each of the possible implicit function methods are
available. `GenericModel` arguments are first validated
based on the custom requirements for each specific
implicit function method. Then the required implicit
function(s) are initialized.
extra_args = {}
global_encoder_dim = (
0 if self.global_encoder is None else self.global_encoder.get_encoding_dim()
viewpooled_feature_dim = self._get_viewpooled_feature_dim()
if self.implicit_function_class_type in (
extra_args["latent_dim"] = viewpooled_feature_dim + global_encoder_dim
extra_args["color_dim"] = self.render_features_dimensions
if self.implicit_function_class_type == "IdrFeatureField":
extra_args["feature_vector_size"] = self.render_features_dimensions
extra_args["encoding_dim"] = global_encoder_dim
if self.implicit_function_class_type == "SRNImplicitFunction":
extra_args["latent_dim"] = viewpooled_feature_dim + global_encoder_dim
# srn_hypernet preprocessing
if self.implicit_function_class_type == "SRNHyperNetImplicitFunction":
extra_args["latent_dim"] = viewpooled_feature_dim
extra_args["latent_dim_hypernet"] = global_encoder_dim
# check that for srn, srn_hypernet, idr we have self.num_passes=1
implicit_function_type = registry.get(
ImplicitFunctionBase, self.implicit_function_class_type
if self.num_passes != 1 and not implicit_function_type.allows_multiple_passes():
raise ValueError(
+ f"requires num_passes=1 not {self.num_passes}"
if implicit_function_type.requires_pooling_without_aggregation():
if self.view_pooler_enabled and self.view_pooler.has_aggregation():
raise ValueError(
"The chosen implicit function requires view pooling without aggregation."
config_name = f"implicit_function_{self.implicit_function_class_type}_args"
config = getattr(self, config_name, None)
if config is None:
raise ValueError(f"{config_name} not present")
implicit_functions_list = [
ImplicitFunctionWrapper(implicit_function_type(**config, **extra_args))
for _ in range(self.num_passes)
return torch.nn.ModuleList(implicit_functions_list)