Source code for pytorch3d.implicitron.dataset.data_loader_map_provider

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# pyre-unsafe

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from import registry, ReplaceableBase
from import (

from .dataset_base import DatasetBase
from .dataset_map_provider import DatasetMap
from .frame_data import FrameData
from .scene_batch_sampler import SceneBatchSampler
from .utils import is_known_frame_scalar

[docs] @dataclass class DataLoaderMap: """ A collection of data loaders for Implicitron. Members: train: a data loader for training val: a data loader for validating during training test: a data loader for final evaluation """ train: Optional[DataLoader[FrameData]] val: Optional[DataLoader[FrameData]] test: Optional[DataLoader[FrameData]]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, split: str) -> Optional[DataLoader[FrameData]]: """ Get one of the data loaders by key (name of data split) """ if split not in ["train", "val", "test"]: raise ValueError(f"{split} was not a valid split name (train/val/test)") return getattr(self, split)
[docs] class DataLoaderMapProviderBase(ReplaceableBase): """ Provider of a collection of data loaders for a given collection of datasets. """
[docs] def get_data_loader_map(self, datasets: DatasetMap) -> DataLoaderMap: """ Returns a collection of data loaders for a given collection of datasets. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @registry.register class SimpleDataLoaderMapProvider(DataLoaderMapProviderBase): """ Trivial implementation of DataLoaderMapProviderBase. If a dataset returns batches from get_eval_batches(), then they will be what the corresponding dataloader returns, independently of any of the fields on this class. Otherwise, returns shuffled batches. """ batch_size: int = 1 num_workers: int = 0 dataset_length_train: int = 0 dataset_length_val: int = 0 dataset_length_test: int = 0
[docs] def get_data_loader_map(self, datasets: DatasetMap) -> DataLoaderMap: """ Returns a collection of data loaders for a given collection of datasets. """ return DataLoaderMap( train=self._make_data_loader( datasets.train, self.dataset_length_train, ), val=self._make_data_loader( datasets.val, self.dataset_length_val, ), test=self._make_data_loader( datasets.test, self.dataset_length_test, ), )
def _make_data_loader( self, dataset: Optional[DatasetBase], num_batches: int, ) -> Optional[DataLoader[FrameData]]: """ Returns the dataloader for a dataset. Args: dataset: the dataset num_batches: possible ceiling on number of batches per epoch """ if dataset is None: return None data_loader_kwargs = { "num_workers": self.num_workers, "collate_fn": dataset.frame_data_type.collate, } eval_batches = dataset.get_eval_batches() if eval_batches is not None: return DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=eval_batches, **data_loader_kwargs, ) if num_batches > 0: num_samples = self.batch_size * num_batches else: num_samples = None # sample with replacement only if a custom number of samples is specified sampler = RandomSampler( dataset, replacement=num_samples is not None, num_samples=num_samples, ) batch_sampler = BatchSampler(sampler, self.batch_size, drop_last=True) return DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, **data_loader_kwargs, )
[docs] class DoublePoolBatchSampler(Sampler[List[int]]): """ Batch sampler for making random batches of a single frame from one list and a number of known frames from another list. """
[docs] def __init__( self, first_indices: List[int], rest_indices: List[int], batch_size: int, replacement: bool, num_batches: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: first_indices: indexes of dataset items to use as the first element of each batch. rest_indices: indexes of dataset items to use as the subsequent elements of each batch. Not used if batch_size==1. batch_size: The common size of any batch. replacement: Whether the sampling of first items is with replacement. num_batches: The number of batches in an epoch. If 0 or None, one epoch is the length of `first_indices`. """ self.first_indices = first_indices self.rest_indices = rest_indices self.batch_size = batch_size self.replacement = replacement self.num_batches = None if num_batches == 0 else num_batches if batch_size - 1 > len(rest_indices): raise ValueError( f"Cannot make up ({batch_size})-batches from {len(self.rest_indices)}" ) # copied from RandomSampler seed = int(torch.empty((), dtype=torch.int64).random_().item()) self.generator = torch.Generator() self.generator.manual_seed(seed)
def __len__(self) -> int: if self.num_batches is not None: return self.num_batches return len(self.first_indices) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[List[int]]: num_batches = self.num_batches if self.replacement: i_first = torch.randint( len(self.first_indices), size=(len(self),), generator=self.generator, ) elif num_batches is not None: n_copies = 1 + (num_batches - 1) // len(self.first_indices) raw_indices = [ torch.randperm(len(self.first_indices), generator=self.generator) for _ in range(n_copies) ] i_first =[:num_batches] else: i_first = torch.randperm(len(self.first_indices), generator=self.generator) first_indices = [self.first_indices[i] for i in i_first] if self.batch_size == 1: for first_index in first_indices: yield [first_index] return for first_index in first_indices: # Consider using this class in a program which sets the seed. This use # of randperm means that rerunning with a higher batch_size # results in batches whose first elements as the first run. i_rest = torch.randperm( len(self.rest_indices), generator=self.generator, )[: self.batch_size - 1] yield [first_index] + [self.rest_indices[i] for i in i_rest]
[docs] class BatchConditioningType(Enum): """ Ways to add conditioning frames for the val and test batches. SAME: Use the corresponding dataset for all elements of val batches without regard to frame type. TRAIN: Use the corresponding dataset for the first element of each batch, and the training dataset for the extra conditioning elements. No regard to frame type. KNOWN: Use frames from the corresponding dataset but separate them according to their frame_type. Each batch will contain one UNSEEN frame followed by many KNOWN frames. """ SAME = "same" TRAIN = "train" KNOWN = "known"
[docs] @registry.register class SequenceDataLoaderMapProvider(DataLoaderMapProviderBase): """ Default implementation of DataLoaderMapProviderBase. If a dataset returns batches from get_eval_batches(), then they will be what the corresponding dataloader returns, independently of any of the fields on this class. If conditioning is not required, then the batch size should be set as 1, and most of the fields do not matter. If conditioning is required, each batch will contain one main frame first to predict and the, rest of the elements are for conditioning. If images_per_seq_options is left empty, the conditioning frames are picked according to the conditioning type given. This does not have regard to the order of frames in a scene, or which frames belong to what scene. If images_per_seq_options is given, then the conditioning types must be SAME and the remaining fields are used. Members: batch_size: The size of the batch of the data loader. num_workers: Number of data-loading threads in each data loader. dataset_length_train: The number of batches in a training epoch. Or 0 to mean an epoch is the length of the training set. dataset_length_val: The number of batches in a validation epoch. Or 0 to mean an epoch is the length of the validation set. dataset_length_test: The number of batches in a testing epoch. Or 0 to mean an epoch is the length of the test set. train_conditioning_type: Whether the train data loader should use only known frames for conditioning. Only used if batch_size>1 and train dataset is present and does not return eval_batches. val_conditioning_type: Whether the val data loader should use training frames or known frames for conditioning. Only used if batch_size>1 and val dataset is present and does not return eval_batches. test_conditioning_type: Whether the test data loader should use training frames or known frames for conditioning. Only used if batch_size>1 and test dataset is present and does not return eval_batches. images_per_seq_options: Possible numbers of frames sampled per sequence in a batch. If a conditioning_type is KNOWN or TRAIN, then this must be left at its initial value. Empty (the default) means that we are not careful about which frames come from which scene. sample_consecutive_frames: if True, will sample a contiguous interval of frames in the sequence. It first sorts the frames by timestimps when available, otherwise by frame numbers, finds the connected segments within the sequence of sufficient length, then samples a random pivot element among them and ideally uses it as a middle of the temporal window, shifting the borders where necessary. This strategy mitigates the bias against shorter segments and their boundaries. consecutive_frames_max_gap: if a number > 0, then used to define the maximum difference in frame_number of neighbouring frames when forming connected segments; if both this and consecutive_frames_max_gap_seconds are 0s, the whole sequence is considered a segment regardless of frame numbers. consecutive_frames_max_gap_seconds: if a number > 0.0, then used to define the maximum difference in frame_timestamp of neighbouring frames when forming connected segments; if both this and consecutive_frames_max_gap are 0s, the whole sequence is considered a segment regardless of frame timestamps. """ batch_size: int = 1 num_workers: int = 0 dataset_length_train: int = 0 dataset_length_val: int = 0 dataset_length_test: int = 0 train_conditioning_type: BatchConditioningType = BatchConditioningType.SAME val_conditioning_type: BatchConditioningType = BatchConditioningType.SAME test_conditioning_type: BatchConditioningType = BatchConditioningType.KNOWN images_per_seq_options: Tuple[int, ...] = () sample_consecutive_frames: bool = False consecutive_frames_max_gap: int = 0 consecutive_frames_max_gap_seconds: float = 0.1
[docs] def get_data_loader_map(self, datasets: DatasetMap) -> DataLoaderMap: """ Returns a collection of data loaders for a given collection of datasets. """ return DataLoaderMap( train=self._make_data_loader( datasets.train, self.dataset_length_train, datasets.train, self.train_conditioning_type, ), val=self._make_data_loader( datasets.val, self.dataset_length_val, datasets.train, self.val_conditioning_type, ), test=self._make_data_loader( datasets.test, self.dataset_length_test, datasets.train, self.test_conditioning_type, ), )
def _make_data_loader( self, dataset: Optional[DatasetBase], num_batches: int, train_dataset: Optional[DatasetBase], conditioning_type: BatchConditioningType, ) -> Optional[DataLoader[FrameData]]: """ Returns the dataloader for a dataset. Args: dataset: the dataset num_batches: possible ceiling on number of batches per epoch train_dataset: the training dataset, used if conditioning_type==TRAIN conditioning_type: source for padding of batches """ if dataset is None: return None data_loader_kwargs = { "num_workers": self.num_workers, "collate_fn": dataset.frame_data_type.collate, } eval_batches = dataset.get_eval_batches() if eval_batches is not None: return DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=eval_batches, **data_loader_kwargs, ) scenes_matter = len(self.images_per_seq_options) > 0 if scenes_matter and conditioning_type != BatchConditioningType.SAME: raise ValueError( f"{conditioning_type} cannot be used with images_per_seq " + str(self.images_per_seq_options) ) if self.batch_size == 1 or ( not scenes_matter and conditioning_type == BatchConditioningType.SAME ): return self._simple_loader(dataset, num_batches, data_loader_kwargs) if scenes_matter: assert conditioning_type == BatchConditioningType.SAME batch_sampler = SceneBatchSampler( dataset, self.batch_size, num_batches=len(dataset) if num_batches <= 0 else num_batches, images_per_seq_options=self.images_per_seq_options, sample_consecutive_frames=self.sample_consecutive_frames, consecutive_frames_max_gap=self.consecutive_frames_max_gap, consecutive_frames_max_gap_seconds=self.consecutive_frames_max_gap_seconds, ) return DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, **data_loader_kwargs, ) if conditioning_type == BatchConditioningType.TRAIN: return self._train_loader( dataset, train_dataset, num_batches, data_loader_kwargs ) assert conditioning_type == BatchConditioningType.KNOWN return self._known_loader(dataset, num_batches, data_loader_kwargs) def _simple_loader( self, dataset: DatasetBase, num_batches: int, data_loader_kwargs: dict, ) -> DataLoader[FrameData]: """ Return a simple loader for frames in the dataset. This is equivalent to Dataloader(dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, **data_loader_kwargs) except that num_batches is fixed. Args: dataset: the dataset num_batches: possible ceiling on number of batches per epoch data_loader_kwargs: common args for dataloader """ if num_batches > 0: num_samples = self.batch_size * num_batches replacement = True else: num_samples = None replacement = False sampler = RandomSampler( dataset, replacement=replacement, num_samples=num_samples ) batch_sampler = BatchSampler(sampler, self.batch_size, drop_last=True) return DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, **data_loader_kwargs, ) def _train_loader( self, dataset: DatasetBase, train_dataset: Optional[DatasetBase], num_batches: int, data_loader_kwargs: dict, ) -> DataLoader[FrameData]: """ Return the loader for TRAIN conditioning. Args: dataset: the dataset train_dataset: the training dataset num_batches: possible ceiling on number of batches per epoch data_loader_kwargs: common args for dataloader """ if train_dataset is None: raise ValueError("No training data for conditioning.") length = len(dataset) first_indices = list(range(length)) rest_indices = list(range(length, length + len(train_dataset))) sampler = DoublePoolBatchSampler( first_indices=first_indices, rest_indices=rest_indices, batch_size=self.batch_size, replacement=True, num_batches=num_batches, ) return DataLoader( ConcatDataset([dataset, train_dataset]), batch_sampler=sampler, **data_loader_kwargs, ) def _known_loader( self, dataset: DatasetBase, num_batches: int, data_loader_kwargs: dict, ) -> DataLoader[FrameData]: """ Return the loader for KNOWN conditioning. Args: dataset: the dataset num_batches: possible ceiling on number of batches per epoch data_loader_kwargs: common args for dataloader """ first_indices, rest_indices = [], [] for idx in range(len(dataset)): frame_type = dataset[idx].frame_type assert isinstance(frame_type, str) if is_known_frame_scalar(frame_type): rest_indices.append(idx) else: first_indices.append(idx) sampler = DoublePoolBatchSampler( first_indices=first_indices, rest_indices=rest_indices, batch_size=self.batch_size, replacement=True, num_batches=num_batches, ) return DataLoader( dataset, batch_sampler=sampler, **data_loader_kwargs, )